You need to learn how to survive on reddit, you fucking boomers

1  2019-05-24 by mrbungl

1) If you rename your reddit to avoid a ban, don't make it a derivative of the subreddit being banned. That's how Mde1,2,3,4,5 got banned. Too easy. Name it something innocuous, like /r/Scorch...

  1. Don't use the same CSS header. They have all now seen your subreddit. Stop pretending like they're retarded.

  2. Don't plead to the admins to take mercy on your sub that represents 80% of the nigger, faggot, and jew posting - and 90% of the forementioned bots - on the site. It won't work. How retarded can you be?

4) Lay low for a fucking while. Don't bring it right back from 1 - 100. For fucks sake, remember where we came from.

I don't expect any of you to keep your shit subtle, but for fucks sake... have some class.


I guess we are all just like school in summertime.


im surprised this isnt common sense to most people

boomers think its voodoo you can look at peoples post histories and most frequented sub reddits

can we retain you as counsel?

I’m using my John Deere lawn tractor nigger-tech app to hate on minorities.

/u/TheGhostOfAbeVigoda /u/SpaceEgde /u/BeigeFrequency

Do you really want this flame to burn out with a pinch?

I've been telling people to take their gay ops off the reddit for a while but it's a fruitless exercise. It doesn't matter what you call the sub because a lot of people are idiots. Somebody tagged pat in r/scorch within an hour or two of r/opienanthony being banned. The only answer I can come up with is to make a new, private sub and make an automod that bans anyone who tags pat or joe

Why do you associate with the trash mods here, /u/beigefrequency? You are the only legitimacy these buffoons have.

It's like letting the same bus driver that wrecked the bus and killed all passengers drive the new bus.

I don't know. I wasn't trying to take the position that seriously. Some of you overestimate the importance I place on my "celebrity." I just like fucking around, posting dumb shit and making fun of the usual suspects.

You're a good egg. But do be aware that these alt-using degenerate mods are using your modship here for the sole purpose of legitimizing their 2nd attempt at running a plane into a mountain.

If they aren't accusing every single critical person of being some guy named Crookedmile, they are using embarrassingly obvious alts to attack people like me. For a good roster of such alts, see the rabid responses to my innocuous comments here.

I actually found your plea for a private sub after my post, and I think it's the best option we have. Godspeed.

You have to keep in mind that there are agent provocateur’s among us. I’m sure of it.

Joe Cumia eats baby shit

When you operate off site, please stop mentioning this fucking place.