Nice anyway, stupid.

6  2019-05-24 by Subeckk


Poor little mug doesn't understand how hand-eye coordination works in regards to old age.

He's a gamer. How cool is that? 😍

3-7 kills? Is he fucking geriatric?

I imagine he's like some guy my brother knows, apparently is the guy who goes 1-34 in team deathmatch even though he plays the game every day.

How does he manage to play the game given the hand tremors?

Not well apparently

he only plays video games to creep on kids

if he just started playing video games at his age it would be understandable that he sucks. but hes been playing for over a decade. he must be focused on “other” things, its the only explanation for having no growth in that time span.

How can it be fun to be that bad at something

Tell us more about why your podcast sucks, Mr. Cumia. Maybe put the fucking game down for two seconds and prepare a show. It might even be as good as Opie's then.

Imagine being 60 years old and thinking this, let alone publishing it to the world. Fucking boomers need to be locked in nursing homes staffed by Somalians.


Nana is down with the kids yo!

He capitalized the L

Is that with or without the XIM edge?

Ant is a squeaker.