Shrinky Dinks! A great way to spend a wholesome Friday evening. After praising our Lord, feel free to entertain yourself with a package of Shrinky Dinks tonight. It will lift your spirits and keep you away from sin and subsequent eternal damnation.

9  2019-05-24 by timallenonacid


You can even share a dink with a friend or loved one! 21 dinks in every package! Thank you Lord!

My dink don't shrink, quite the opposite while I am around all these children.

Pope Francis.

Timallenonacid, thank God you're here. Can you get God on the horn and let him know there are God-fearing Sons of Abraham on this website being persecuted by horned Jews and having their subreddits shut down? I'm gonna need him to chuck a couple lightning bolts and if he could make sure one of them strikes Pat that would be great.

In Jesus's name, amen.

You have it all wrong, our Lord encourages you to forgive these heathens and nullifidians. They will be punished by their own misdeeds, lead astray by the demons who masquerade as friends and suffer for their poor choices.

In the spirit of our Father; Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we all must forgive.

I'd rather do some blow and cry as I'm going to sleep