We're still hilarious

24  2019-05-24 by slothlivesmatter

Unlike Anth, who isn't


Not so fast...he had that dolphin zinger earlier

Love me a good aquatic mammal joke!

Tssss yeah I guess AntH found a new porpoise in life asumptin

We don't make baby noises in this new sub, shit dick.

Yeah, that's not PFG! Oh wait, wrong sub.

He definitely did that one on porpoise.

I heard he likes to dorsal finger children

He is back on twitter, I wonder what boomer tier hilarity he will bring to the platform.

We should sic the clickbait hard leftist blogs on him. They could have a field day with him.

Nah, they would try to get him banned. That is the option we take when he gets boring, for now we can just post dead roe memes at him all day every day

i dnno about that