Fatrick and the O&A Sub: A psychological breakdown

13  2019-05-24 by Dr-ButtertitsMcGilly

Much like the clown fish and it's underwater counterpart the sea anemone, the O&A sub and Fatrick share a symbiotic, though frequently hostile, relationship with one another.


For the O&A subreddit, Fatty represents the status quo on a micro level. He was the perfect target because he embodies everything that is dysfunctional and defective with our current political and cultural climate: his blind adherence to liberal authority, his celebration of degeneracy and hedonism, his wanton disregard and outright subversion of western principles. Patrick is a mirror reflection of the death of our shared value system and loss of social cohesion; he is yet another heavy anchor on the side of our shared vessel we call the United States of America, dragging it slowly and purposefully to the bottom of the ocean. Due of course to this sub's inclination toward nonconformity and political dissent, Patrick became an obvious target for our frustration with the direction of our current national zeitgeist and its unquestioning adherents. Also, it's fun to mock people who are fat.


One might now be asking themselves, "that's all fine and good Doctor Buttertits... but how exactly does Patrick having a target on his back benefit him at all?"

Allow me to explain, you fucking nincompoops.

You see, Patrick is a textbook narcissist and sociopath. He checks all the relevant boxes:


-Glib and superficial personality?: Check (I have all the correct pre-programmed and socially acceptable basic bitch opinions!)

-Delusions of grandeur?: Check (I'm a successful author, comedian and pundit!)

-Pathological lying?: Definitely a check

-Inability to control personal behavior?: Check (his reddit and social media history will clearly confirm this)

-Lack of empathy?: Check (let's punch women in MAGA hats!)


Patrick enjoys having something at which he can focus his usually directionless anger and toxicity. This sub was the perfect target for Patrick, especially since it gives him an opportunity in his own mind to play the role of "hero", fighting the "evil nazi Trump supporters" on Reddit. Because many of us are opposed to everything Fatty pretends to stand for, it not only gave him the chance to play the hero but also the victim, which is always a great opportunity for a sociopath to garner sympathy from others. Trolling his instagram and other social media accounts gave Patrick the chance to point and say "look, see! I'm a victim!". The validation he then receives from others of course only serves to emolbden his most antisocial personality traits even more. It's an endless merry-go-round for Patrick of toxic anger, finding a focal point for that anger, playing the hero/victim, garnering sympathy and validation which in turn fuels his anger even more.


Always remember one thing about sociopaths: they don't know when to stop. They have no self-control, no awareness and no understanding of acceptable human behavior. They also have a tendency to rape little children.


I'm not going to read a word of that but I'll assume you call Patrick a faggot and I agree.

Guess you did read it after all

Also fat

That poor wife of his. She is clearly dishearten and trapped in this faggot marriage.

fuck someone insert colin powel quick.

"it's" means "it is", stupid

He’s a loser and always has been. He thought that by this age he’d be happier, but he isn’t and he self-medicates with alcohol and food. He also overcompensates with “manly” shit that he thinks makes him cool. He truly believes that he is a stealthy geek but anyone who sees him knows he’s a loser.

He will never change because he’s incapable of seeing his own flaws. If you ever find yourself thinking that he won just remember that his own daughter wouldn’t recognize him if she saw him.

Some people like Allen Carr's "Easy Way" books but I haven't read them. Well I go to a place, I won't say the name of it, but it helps to hear what other people are going through. These beer companies are such fucking jizzbags.

I don't know if that helps. All I can say is that it does get easier.

pulitzer pat wins again!

I can't wait for the Brother Joe breakdown next

Reminds me of "Goldstein" in the book 1984 by Orwell and the ten minutes of hate. People want someone to direct all of their hate at. That someone is Trump now for a lot of radical left wingers. This horribly awful way of thinking encourages groupthink and callout culture, something fat pat is all about.

He's a classic narcissist, doesn't even care about his own daughter unless he's virtue signaling her. Dude cares about his image more than his real character as a person. He's nothing but a fake, trying to brag about his image as a "comedian and author". Newsflash bucko, if you're a complete asshole, no ones ever going to like you.

Everything is "all about Patrick" so he can't hold a conversation without just talking about himself and his shitty books or screenplays. He baits people and then plays the victim and cries wolf. I'm actually REALLY surprised that someone who states "they can be seen picking political fights online", started the fight, baited us, and then attacked us with false copyright flags wins the battle on reddit.


Clearly, any sane person can tell that HE's the problem, not us, by trying to ban public critique of his work.

Fat faggot.