It's over fellas

0  2019-05-24 by xXRetardXx1488

When I first listened to those Louis CK clips on youtube 5 years ago I had no idea what kind of world I was entering. I had know idea how much time I would waste on this shit. Opie and Anthony is done, Opie and Jim sucked, Compound Media failed to deliver and Jim and Sam is gay. Now the only thing worth paying attention to pertaining to the OandA universe has been stripped from us by some fat retard. I'm calling it, it's fucking done. I'm done. I know no one likes sincerity around these parts, but thanks for the laughs faggots.

PS Your moms box


Nana's back on Twitter, but whatever. Bye.

Shits boring at this point

Your boredom doesn't warrant its own goodbye post. Just leave without saying anything like a normal person.

No, you cant stop me from living my truth.

Who are you again?

A certain british fag who likes to make documentaries

the real porsalin would have the dignity or using his real account before making a fool of himself

It's Joe.

it sure was

nice parting speech, stupid.

way to join the "oandA" universe after the show already ended, stupid

Yeah i really hate being in my early twenties, I wish i was old like you guys

I was 14 when i first started listening in '08 while playing COD, while you were just a normie faggot i presume.

Nice try with da ageism tho.

Nice sincere goodbye post, stupid.

Its not even over. What would be good is to spread out. Instead of one sub lets get multiple ones going like /r/opieradio, /r/terryclifford etc. Its easy to topple a centralized system, but spread subs out like dare i say a pestulance and you cant get rid of it.

this looks like more Arab trickery from Yusef al Kumiya

"Some eighteen years ago, I left Dayton, Ohio with two very bad knees.........and a dream to post beefer and dumper pics. I thank God that dream came true."