How do we clean up scorch?

11  2019-05-24 by N64CUBE

When we hopefully get ourselves set up and settled down somewhere we gotta clear out the checkpoint, it needs to be somewhat discreet.


we should get in contact with the one mod there and ask if he could lock image posting/delete posts from yesterday or do something to keep it up

Good luck. I haven't heard from him in 13 months.

We need a mod. If the owner hasn’t been on in s while I think someone can ask for ownership

That will tip off the reddit admins that this is a ban evading sub, stupid.

Some faggot was trying to get ownership of it earlier. It wasn't one of us either. Bit concerning.

Imagine being this into the opie and anthony and subreddit but not finding any of it funny. Just there to tattle.

Yeah it's some loony trans who some sub members pissed off in the past.

He dedicates himself to taking over "hate subreddits" and shutting them down, not before making a dramatic announcement letting everyone know about it.

See here -

This cunt makes Pat look mentally stable.

On behalf of us PFG fans, please don't ruin our sub. Our god king Scorch didn't spend a few hours in a dog cage just so you could fuck about with his legacy

Flood it with actually scorch-related posts for a while, then leave it alone until it is needed again.

Why dont we create our own back up sub? Or see if Ron and fez sub will have us?