So how do we beat the next round of DMCA's?

8  2019-05-24 by TangerineReam


Not posting pics of Fatty and his social media is a good start

ChanceArm can still post drawrings though, right?

The fatty bit is stale to me but then he goes and does shit like this. I wanna let it go but hes just such a fag about everything its hard to. The bit was dying and now hes lit it up again.

Start a Voat

They're already there (and no DMCA reports in all that time):

Dumb admin chose to make the site locked for new registrations recently. It should open up to new users soon.

We won’t, this will just keep happening over and over again because Reddit is a faggot

Niggas should just make an 8chan board and be done with it tbh fam

it is senseless to attempt strategy. this concept is like Dr Moreau trying to start a book club.

We are, and we are amongst, animals.- persianschlong 5/24/19