Kuhn will never find the group at this rate

42  2019-05-23 by LaurenDoingChin-Ups


Kuhn is more concerned with the cannibal in the bunk below him than the subreddit.

I’ve been printing out the posts for years. Got a hard copy of the whole thing. Receipts.

Send it to him in jail in a box marked "appeal documents"

I was thinking ‘freedom papers’, but I like yours better.

Nobody has been pen paling that nigger and keeping him occupied and up to date? That breaks my heart.

Kuhn learned who his real friends are

But I’ll always find my way. Daddy can kill me but can’t escape my precious translucent shattered skull

But more members of the group will join him if they continue down this Reddit sponsored road which enables self destruction. Repent while you still have the chance children. #NoBonkBonk

Naw, I’ll relax in my big house, taking a dump in the luxury bathroom I bought through my hard work, picking on Fatrick and thanking God I’m not Cumia trash.

It’s a Friday...a good day for those of us who are successful in life! Sorry Joe, you must feel left out.

You have no power over anything, you old fag.

I've already written him about it. I write him every week.

They can use computers in jail? I bet the wifi is legit fast