Our collective autism must realize a foil for this tyranny

10  2019-05-23 by I_hate_henry_rollins

I refuse to be beaten by a tubby sci-fi author babyman OR a braindead elderly tribute band guitarist (not sure which one of them had the sub shuttered although Fatrick has been bragging about it on Facebook so I assume it was his doing).

Sure, Reddit may end up giving this community - I know, I feel like a shithead for calling it that, but y’know, whatever - the MDE treatment by permanently exiling it from its platform, but the dedicated hardcore of mouthbreathing spergs and suicidally depressed truckers can find a permanent home elsewhere so long as we’re willing to set up the infrastructure now, while there’s still time.

Worst comes to worst we set up a Proboards and advertise on our cousin subreddits (like r/cumtown) before Reddit lowers the boom on us for good. The war is never over, gays (whoops, I meant guys. Sorry for calling you “gays,” it was a typographical error is all). People were being dicks on the internet long before reddit, and that spirit of organized unpleasantness lives within us all.

I’ve got your six, and I’m really fucking cranky.

tl;dr - we gon be aight 😎


People seem to be in denial about the need to leave this platform.

I'd say we're another quick ban away from total realization.

Keep it up (((mods)))

This platform host good. What wrong with the platform we got?