Does This Mean SpaceEdge was right?

0  2019-05-23 by TeftHomo

I mean hr did warn us about this and now that the opienanthony is shut down should we apologize and ask him to reopen opieandanthony?


Did you see the new Picard Trailer?

I did and I've been watching a lot of old TNG episodes lately and forgot how fucking good that show could be. Looking forward to the show. Also seems they're picking up on the All Good Things narrative and that's one of my favourite ever episodes.

What did you think?

Well is it just gonna be him or some of the old cast too? God i can't wait to see the Holodeck again

You two sure are going to get nice amount of diversity hires in your nerdy shit. Imagine Picard taking orders from black transman who makes implicit comments about Orange Man ruining everything. And then some plots revolving around alien men subjugating their women because men are evil, unless they're black.

You mean that science fiction has been infected by that shit too? What a surprise.

That's right. Everything is infested. Just last friday my confused sister announced that she's a man.

Could you imagine if a movie like Alien had a female lead...ridiculous

Captain Jodi Laforge

Upvoted for the Star Wars reference.

SpaceEdge is a mork ass bitch nigga.

Fat people can't be right.

SpaceEdge didn't get the jokes because he's a fat junkie with a smooth brain, so he banned the topic entirely. Not for subreddit preservation reasons.

He was right but there was no fun in being right so fuck him