Behold, children... the first four chapters of the veritable, Sci-Fi masterpiece Starfish Pedo

1  2019-05-23 by percykaramello


I've been making my way through this book while shitting: it doesn't get any better after chapter 4.

I really hope you didn't pay for that.

You don't have to pay for things on the internet.

It just seemed a bit unlikely that anywhere would be pirating such an unknown author's book.

Surprisingly you can find most of his stuff out there. I guess the one guy who bought each book put them up.

Gate Crashers is on Piratebay

Reddit admins please ban this sub for repeatedly violating copyright rules!

It was a free preview anyone can look at online, faggot. I read the same 4 chapters last night. The store itself opened the preview to the public.

Nice resolution stupid

Zoom in, little one

I fucking zoomed in, blurry fucking words.

It worked fine for me. You need glasses.

Wow we got superman here I got fucking glasses I'm glad everything works for you in life

Thanks! I'm glad about it too!

Zooming through your phone or actually clicking on the fucking pics?

Zoom through the phone

So you're zooming in on thumbnails. Click them and they'll enlarge

Sounds like a dialogue Fatrick would write.

This dogshit is 90% dialogue. Anyone could write a better book

Damn it's horrendous. Writing level of a decent fanfic.