1  2019-05-23 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda

Engaging in BONK BONK!! will result in your immediate (and permanent) ban.

I'm sorry, guys. I don't make the rules. When we BONK BONK!! it make JoJo feel sad.

Good thing nobody knows what the fuck BONK BONK!! means.


Seriously!? Now we can't BONK BONK!! You fucking mods are outta control with your stupid rules.

I’m not defending Joe here but get some culture, man.

I know the original Star Trek is considered the least faggy of the sci fi fag shit, but it's still fag shit and I didn't watch it.

Every single pedophile is into Star Trek

and lots of pedos are gay

Whatever bro, there’s an inordinate amount of time spent in every episode objectifying a bitch. It’s the opposite of Starship Repo. Heteros in space.

I got hammered with the ghost of Leonard Nimoy once and he told me George Takei used to fuck him in the ass regularly.

I don’t believe you. George Takei is a bottom.

You calling me a liar, Ricketts?

Look man, I don’t know what death does to a person. I’m still a big fan of your films.

Thanks, sport. IOU one signed photo

How the fuck you gonna hold the pen with your intangible ghost fingers?

The violent poltergeist of Patrick Swayze taught me how to manipulate objects with my mind on the subway.

OoOoO Myyyy.

I disagree. I think the Starship Repo series is apex sci-fi

Will Tate is cool AF. Patrick is a plagiarizing failure of an author.

I'm lost

Moderator Joe Cumia Jr. has declared NO BONK BONK!!

I'm gonna sit this one out.

It's stupid anyway.

I am shook that a Cumia brother would reference a television show that aired in the late 60s.

Good point. Joe is dating a bitch born in the early 40's.