Since nobody remembers the great hero who botted Brother Joe on Urban Dictionary, does anybody have any bright ideas? Any of these "pay for likes" sites wanna get some street shitters bumping our "Starship Repo" definition?

1  2019-05-22 by JoshFonnersFatGhost


I'd throw a couple bucks at it

I did it.

Gold me please.

You’re a treasure.

No I'm not. Treasure has gold in it and I have none.


Why do you people care about urban dictionary?

What do you mean "you people" ?


Hey, things like the Dirty Sanchez and Alabama Hot Pocket need attention just as much as words in Webster's dictionary...Don't hate on the perpetually relevant urban dictionary that everyone I know still uses.

Why would anyone look up some 3rd rate sci-fi novel on urban dictionary?

They wont. But his couple fans may google it.

Don't explain how the internet works to this idiot.

Google ranks it fairly high for terms it defines, and if we can get that as high or higher than Patrick's book, it's pretty funny as well as making his book's title about his failure