Hi Niki

1  2019-05-22 by spams_seed

Stay out of this.

Or better yet, look into the types of people your husband associates with and defends in the scifi con community and wonder who you're married to. He protested against an anti-pedophile rally on behalf of Cat Rambo who venerates pedophilia.

But stay out of this. You seem like a nice enough girl in needed of a tooth whitening, with comically big ears. You needn't get treated like Liz, the last girlfriend who tried acting tough on Fatrick's behalf.

Leave it alone.


Since everything we write here comes true, here goes: Niki will end up leaving Patrick for a member of this sub and confirm that his dick is in fact whack.

I'm learning SEO so I have an icebreaker at the hotel bar next time she goes out of town for a professional workshop

She works in SEO? As founder of joecumia.com which at one point had an Alexa rank in the top 1M I wonder if I could be that lucky guy.

Joebo says and does so much dumb shit that I thought he was in on the joke and that site was real when I first saw it.

I'm getting a little tired of being outsmarted by his dumbness.

I think I speak for all of us when I say I'd much rather have the divinely beautiful Adrienne than this greasy little 6 who thinks being against pedophilia = OMG MUH HITLER!!! Niki, you suck, Patrick sucks, and you'll both pay for what you let happen to those children.

Hey Niki, any chance you can take your talents to Cameo?


Nikki DM me my penis needs some suckin you dumb broad

Also Fatrick is shiny and gay

She can't possibly be this dumb