It do be like that

1  2019-05-22 by 1073WAAF


I love how this is the default pic of Joe that everyone uses. It perfectly sums him up as a human.

Elmer Dud.

Elmer Spud

I liked the first one but I don't appreciate you piggyback a second joke like that

Civilians don't understand brevity.

Oh yeah? Well you're Elmer Scrooge.....and Bobby is now Elmer Pudge

Wascally wedditards

Im gonna dress up like a girl Bunny and seduce Joe

that’ll prove he’s a fag!

If you're as hot as Bugs was, I'd like to request a blowjob.

"Sososososososo you're saying that getting outsmarted by a bunny rabbit makes me look like an idiot? Let me buy you a cwaaaffee."

Am I the only one who went to check what's actually at /r/OnA ?

What is that, some kind of cult or something?

What a maroon.

Elmer Fuckingidiot

Kill da weddit, kill the weddit

"What's up Doc?"

(Not Joe's IQ, I'll tell you that)


Elmer wasn’t black.