Stuttering John has leaked audio of Stern telling staff to manipulate social media because the show is in trouble (Starts @5:30)

12  2019-05-22 by UltimateGay


There is also photographic evidence.

This will surely take down the King of all Media.

It's called being forward thinking. All the shit everyone used to get on Opie about when he started talking about video and Twitter way early on. Take Opie out of the picture and you don't see any evolving from anyone else. I don't have any problem with what Howard was saying. He knows it's not 1994 anymore and he's not the media destination he once was

he was only ever a "destination" because America had a choice between for years everyone driving to work in the morning only had three choices: Stern, a local morning zoo, and silence.

Yeah. No.shit. That's my point. So he's trying to find ways to stay relevant and create a "buzz"

take it easy guy

I'll take Schmucky and Schmo Schmo with callers talking about their favorite Beatles songs.

You've got to give it to brotherman Ope, for all his faults he was ahead of his time with regard to internet communities and social media

who's worse John or Danny?

Brother Joe.

As if that degenerate isn't buddies with Gaga.

Howard is so full of shit. He’s a calculating businessman. He did and said whatever to become a billionaire. Now he’s doing whatever he needs to do to protect his billions. He can assert some altruistic hirseshit and pretend he’s become enlightened, but he hasn’t. He’s still the same exact businessman. He’s become the corporation now. He’s no longer the upstart who takes risks. Corporations are risk averse and play it safe. So he does a candy-assed show these days and pretends he’s ashamed of the man he was, but he isn’t. He was never the rowdy guy he pretended to be and he’s not a touchy feely guy now either. He is what he’s always been: a shrewd careerist.

A jew

Holy shit, he’s doing the exact same shit that every other media outlet and celebrity and company is doing????