I cant believe I'm making one of these fucking threads but what has happened over the past 2 days?

7  2019-05-21 by Mintwa

Everytime I leave this place for a day or two something big happens. I see Goodreads is deleting reviews and Amazon only has 4 reviews. Did Fatrick lose his mind on twi... face... I mean instagram?


He wrote an article on his website about how mean Amazon is for allowing negative reviews

And how we body shamed him.

Never leave out that part.

Amazon has a delay on posting reviews. It took a while for mine to post on his other book

This is a bad time to have a loved one die on you. Some bullet points:

  1. New beige doc on Von's indiegogo scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/opienanthony/comments/bqla6u/show_me_the_money_the_patrice_oneal_documentary/
  2. Fat wrote a long-ass article about his trolls on the blog
  3. If you want to read up on the bovine, check out his DOXXER100 account, he uses it exclusively these days

Good to see you putting real life on the back burner and getting back to what really matters: being mean to people on the internet