I don't get Fat's "Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty" schtick he keeps going on about

11  2019-05-21 by SoulBrothaManNumber2

He think's we're molesting children or what?

a bit far-fetched that thousands of pedofiles would luckily find eachother & congregate on a radio subreddit


"Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty"

Does he realize he is quoting Joseph Goebbels explaining how jews operate?

you're thinking of "the big lie." which has also been turned around by Jews and boomers as if it was actual advice given by Hitler in Mein Kampf in the largest explosion of irony in history.

A forum full of people who turned on multiple people related to the show the sub is named after because they had creepy sex attractions to kids...

Versus Patrick who protested against an anti-pedo rally, hangs out with known pedophile protector and friend of known NAMBLA members Cat Rambo and had to be kept from any visitation with the kid he claims is his...

Who is more likely the pedophile hiding behind bravado /u/patrickstomlinson you fucking sick cunt?

Get through your head that this shit isn't going away. Ever.

Protest against people trying to clean up your disgusting scifi community and their pedophile sheltering? You could come to us hat in hand with fists unclenched and beg. It won't help you smug, sick asshole.

Won't see Will Tate standing up for pedophilia, nosiree. He'd pop a kid-toucher right in the mouth.

We really really need to emphasize this angle. Patrick is a plagiarist. The worst thing an author can be. His reviews should be filled with these accusations.

it's one of those politics adjacent memes that both sides always think they came up with along with "the other side is always Hitler" and "you guys want 1984"

the quote has been attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and Vladmir Lenin.

It's trotted out anytime the accused wants to say "im rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" but knows that would be seen as childish and immature.

"the quote has been attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and Vladmir Lenin."

It was obviously one of them that said it about the other 3 and I'm only seeing one goy on the list.

Case closed.

/u/patrickstomlinson knows what I'm talking about.

I think he’s saying that he’s a Nazi.