Do any of you fellas know how to make deep fakes?

0  2019-05-21 by aRTie02150


So um

So uh

So um

So yeah

um yeah so uh


Jesus fucking Christ

I’m so sick of uninteresting, unfunny, uncharismatic people being forced to make speeches and give interviews because they’re good at something else

I automatically change the radio whenever some artist is being interviewed. Fucking boring people.

Which reminds me: Fuck Jim Norton, because he pushed out Colin and Norm, after a half hour of Norm killing because Cock Chestnar, who is devoid of any charisma is pushed on to radio because he’s a huge meathead

I don’t get why musicians get their dick tooted so much. Just enjoy the music, no one gives a shit if Steve Albini produced your album or how grueling you tour schedule is. Just play your fucking songs and don’t ask questions.

Isn't she supposed to be white?