Will Anthony buy the 14-year-old youtuber an Ipad in the hopes to get laid sometime down the road??

15  2019-05-21 by Lordtelefonemane

And this question is for Joseph Cumia.


to get laid sometime down the road??

As soon as possible.

I'd like to hear Joe's thoughts on his close personal friend & convicted pedophile, Jeff Hollander too.

Maybe it he had a time machine and could go back 3 or 4 years.

What happened to those old Joe comments on here where he tried to explain away Anthony buying gifts for underage girls?

Joe's kids must dread birthdays and Christmases because someday they will have to pay back uncle Ant for all those cool presents...

She mentioned Compound Media toward the end of her latest Infowars interview. https://www.bitchute.com/video/WycgzQE8t4LS/

It sounds like she's sick of youtube and looking for something better. I was reluctant to intervene but I did send her an email yesterday with some words of warning.

Nice to know you're sending private emails to 14 year old girls you pedofile faggot.

Joe pretty much admitted that it should give him first dibs on the cherry.

he's gonna fuck up. Idk when or how, but that ghoul is gonna fuck up pervert style