
196  2019-05-21 by Tashter


When you're so gay that homosexual midget Joe Rogan insinuates that you're a useless fag

When the whole premise of your show is being smarter than everyone and stoner retard Joe Rogan makes you look like a mumbling fool.

He posits himself as some kind of Bill Nye or Black Science Man but he's just another unfunny faggot LA comedian who just says the stuff his kike writers pay him to and pretend it's settled science.

I prefer to call degasse Tyson, Space Chimp.

Space "Nigga"

Too on the nose.

And boy its a large one

Imagine calling a phenomenon a few decades old "settled science" secular atheists are worse than religious zealots

The term "settled science" shouldn't even exist.

Penn & Teller already did that show. But even through they were atheists who supported unlimited immigration, they were Libertarians, so they are unacceptable and the premise has to be done again with a smug, unlikeable liberal.

It'd be pretty funny if he attempted Penn & Teller's bullet catch trick, but he dies.

Penn Jillette is very entertaining, I gotta admit that much

he is a sorcerer and not to be trusted

Bullshit did have some bias and retarded thoughts though. I think there was an episode about Cigarettes where they said anybody should be allowed to smoke indoors and if you didn't like it then to leave.

I don't remember the stance taken in that episode, but if I had to guess it was probably that allowing smoking or not should be at the discretion of the business owner. But P&T recognized that Bullshit was biased as hell. Penn said somewhere before he wanted to do a final episode about the whole show being bullshit.

I’d love to watch 6’6 Penn Gillette gouge out the eyes of that smug little faggot.

LA comedians are the worst, with Bobby Lee being one of the few exceptions.

Is that worth the listen? I hate the guy and only want to listen if he makes a fool of himself

I've only seen clips, but he made himself look like a fool in all of them. He constantly used anecdotal evidence and kept reiterating that we wasn't an expert on whatever they spoke about.

He was sputtering and stammering like he had a cock in his mouth

So he sounds like Jimmy?

I only watched clips on the JREClips Youtube channel. You get the gist of what a tool Adam is.

It’s very difficult to watch if you do not like cringe

umm, umm, I’m not an expert but I will continue to try to contradict you, Joe

Right ? Right ? Right ?

That segment was so bad for him, and he showed he not only has no knowledge of sports, but has no interest them. Despite this, he has some wild ideas on how to make them more appealing to smug pudgy nerds.

Trannie babies are natural joe

Sorry could you repeat the question?

So I uuuh... inter... uuuuuuuh... viewed... these... uuuuuh... trans.... aaaeeeeeuh... folks... eeeeeeeeuuuuh... could... you... erhm... uh... eeeeuuuh.... repeat that... eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... quest... uhhh... ion?

Don't give him so much credit, he was much less coherent lol.

I'm not a expert but I'm going to give you my answer which is the right answer

These guys are so used to never being challenged you see how desperate he was to be non-confrontational. Every statement he was forced to hedge by saying he;s not an expert, and his voice would always go up like he was uncertain of what he was saying. He's sitting there acting like "we all know there's no REAL difference between men and women," while also saying there's no studies that back his shit up.

My problem is I cannot figure out who would ever find this even a little bit entertaining, much less informative.


Nice hair, stupid.

This is what globohomo zog commies the left wants the ideal man to be, look at that non-threatening, smug, try-hard innocent face. The self-grooming fashion sense of a gay man, the mind of a woman, and the wide-reaching yet extremely shallow knowledge of a cosmopolitan jew.

I liked him better when he had his show Good Eats more than on Iron Chef America.

Adam gets his arsehole ruined.

Actually you know, right right right right right. you know some poorly funded studies you know with speculative cherry picked conclusions right have shown you may be wrong right you know. Anyways I read a vox article you know right that said with no real proof right that actually I'm right, right. so anyways.

Rogan mysteriously did away with live streams after this train wreck.

I guess he really DOES ruin everything

Also I wanted to add that there is no way that this man child's career is not the product of a casting couch

I can't stand this guy.

I want to fuck his little frumpy jew wife

Wait, what? He's married to a woman?
I was completely non-ironically under the impression that this "guy" is 100% a homosexual.

Yeah I'm going to need some evidence that he doesn't toot the pork whistle.

Yeah he's been with Lisa Hanawalt for a long time. She made Bojack Horseman.

Imagine being such an utter cretin that you let fucking Rogan of all people Socrates you into a mumbling mess

So, um, like I look forward to a world where men with long hair that cut their cock off, or not depending on the individual journey they're on, can beat the shit out of cis-women in the octagon, and that is seen as completely normal.

Is that an Alt Right haircut i see? Social media should really run with this

Smug fruit

I don’t even wanna know who this faggot is. Just by his smug, dorky face against that background, I’m gonna assume CC is giving him a political talk show.

I think he’s on the network that used to do Worlds Dumbest or something

If anyone is confused who this raging homofaggot is, here's the only link you need:


I want a chimp to ruin his face

Picture pretty much tells it all.

A few of his segments are interesting/new, but delivered in an unbearably nasally overdressed, cutesy LA comic manner with a fuckton of “Actually” thrown in for good measure.

The rest are just him having cut-rate actors and props reenact Snopes articles.

If you think he's a faggot, you should see his sister: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5957172/mediaviewer/rm1426471424

I can only assume that their father has hanged himself in shame by now.

Who dis?

College Humor fucking sucks and should be banned for giving these kind of smug faggots a mouthpiece. The ultra-marketable beta male soyboy archetype needs to be destroyed.

My cousin writes for college humor and does stand up, it’s sad to know that if he ever gets anywhere from those platforms, that he will end up a fag like this guy

Literally the fucking definition of beta faggot.

Hi I'm Adam Connover and today we're going to be dispelling widely popular myths pushed by society as being real by using cherry-picked stats, strawmen, and the wonderful power of hyperbole.