The worst thing about the old sub being gone is all the potential meta-cuck bits it has robbed us of. I was going to make a series of posts called "10 times u/LoouisCuCK was actually in the wrong", and "10 Greatest u/LoouisCuCK posts".

0  2019-05-21 by LoouisCuCK


Is it?

No, the worst part is that I can’t read my old posts and comments anymore.


Real talk: You are a stolen valor ass clown.

                                            A hosting site called Imager
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Hes here every single dumb fuck day like a moth to a gas station light

Do you wanna address that Kurt Love thing yet?

I have several times. Here it is again:

The pedo was never a pedo at Ants house. When we found out he was a pedo he was escorted by me off the property and told never to return. What’s so hard to believe? YES! Anthony knew him for a very short time, many years ago. .., so did I, as did most of the people who would go , and still go to parties at the compound.. my Aunts, Uncles, Cops, FBI agents, Grandparents, OUR KIDS... etc... Doesn’t make them sex offenders or victims, no more than this sub associating with known child killer Christopher Kuhn makes YOU a murderer of your children.

TRY TO GROW UP. Open your minds... Your lives might improve because of it...

Real talk: You are a one trick homo.

                                             31v1p, disonorably discharged for 
                                             sucking a dick
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What about Danny's claim that Kurt Love drove underage girls to Anthony's house and molested molested them openly? That is a serious accusation that Danny made on several occasions. If I were Anthony, I would have taken some action against Danny for spreading such a damaging lie.

Anthony could take action against lots of former friends. He doesn’t. In fact people who’ve fucked him in the past, like TaxCunts from the old board and big A stealing weed and edibles, the guy that Danny brought to the house that stole $ from Ants bedroom..I could name several more including one very twisted female that’s a certified mental patient, but he doesn’t. WHY? I dunno. If it were me, I wouldn’t forgive and forget like he does. He’s got a GREAT LIFE. He plays his video games, sleeps til whenever he wants, doesn’t sweat any bills or worry about his future. I guess he figures, WTF...Why bother. He’s always been pretty non-confrontational. Danny Ross was a good friend. He lived with my brother. Anthony was good to him. Danny Ross is also a mental patient. I’ve asked Ant about what ever happened to Danny and he doesn’t know. The guy was a segment producer for years. Think he would’ve mentioned something about Anthony’s alleged activities with underage women BEFORE he was unfriended by Ant. None of Danny’s stories hold any water. If Danny could’ve had Anthony arrested, he would have. That goes for anyone else who paints him as a pedo. If any of it were factual.

JEALOUSY AND ENVY. There it is again. 2 huge Reasons for people to do and say some pretty stupid shit about those they’re envious of.

Real talk: You joined the military to be close to men.

No one is reading your boring non-nonsensical drivel you dumb old fuck

Why didnt you respond to Beiges question about Jeffrey Hollander aka Kurt Love?

If any of it were factual, it would’ve come to a head by now, not just babble on a little known message board. Don’t you think?

Anthony is friends with a cop who has a history cleaning up his messes and he also had enough money to pay off the kind of skanky teens who would come home with a middle aged Freddy Krueger stand in because he has a hot tub.

There is plenty of factual information too. It's undeniable that he though SelfCuttingGirl was underage, yet he still sent "a 14 year old girl" a macbook and offered to fly her to his house(a federal crime). He said he would have sex with 13 year old girls if there were no laws and he regularly sexualizes children like Danielle Bregoli. These are all documented facts.

He's also currently trying to sign a 14 year old girl to his network. That isn't suspicious at all.

He also groomed "Apology Girl" while he was glued to his countdown clock to her 17the birthday. Child grooming for sex is illegal. He is a child predator.

The pedo was never a pedo at Ants house.

He was at Ants house maybe 3 times

Are you fucking retarded?