Artie Lange has a bit of a drug problem

19  2019-05-21 by FatFaggotSpaceEdge



He’s fucked. I feel like a mega rube for actually feeling a tad bit hopeful for him when I saw the video of him pumping gas last week, but everyone saw this coming. NJ is bending over backwards not to lock addicts up but you still have to play ball.

yea I always heard drug court was limited and strict and if you fucked up that was it. I don't know if they are being softer now that they are trying a new approach with the junkies

I feel like a mega rube for actually feeling a tad bit hopeful for him when I saw the video of him pumping gas last week.

I had watched that just yesterday, barely finding out about it, and had this exact same experience. I'm honestly shocked because i didn't expect this eventual crash to be so soon. I was expecting that, like, a month from now.

"had watched" - do you happen to be black?

No, but you got me dead to rights on some real nigger-ass typing.

It's just something I noticed that irks me about them, aside from everything else.

I was high when I typed that, and under that condition I'm in grave danger of committing gibberish anytime I post a comment.

So if all I'm getting dinged with is a thoughtless niggerish typo then I consider that a win.

careful. we wouldn't want to run afoul libel charges. Artie is VERY protective of his image

This isn’t the place for suppressing unfounded rumors, you!

perhaps more than that

Artie is already dead inside.

Captin obvious strolling through

So the very first opportunity he gets away from the law and rehab, he does drugs. I think he’s addicted.