Better actors than Jim Norton (1/378943)

118  2019-05-21 by theopesterdidsumcoke



Gayer to

Gayer to where? Buy me a ticket on that greyhound!

Turbo Tommy has no time for spell check.

Imagine a roundhouse kick square into that face.

He looks like he's held together by popsicle sticks and playdoh. It would make an awful mess.

Adam Lanza?

Was this dude in even in the same classroom as the shooter? Larp somewhere else, faggot. Your 15 minutes are up.

No, he was at home. I'm not kidding

FBI connections, at home day of the shooting.

His dad's specifically in like "crisis response" or something super suspect

Is this actually true?

His dad did work for the fbi... not sure in what capacity. And there are conflicting stories about whether he was at school that day. Some students claim he wasn’t there, he claims he was there and went home and returned during the attacks.... it’s all a bunch of garbage and he does seem to be utilizing a tragedy for his own benefit.

Yes but he himself claimed he was home and wanted to get to school to capture the shooting on film.

Yeah.... that’s kinda weird. I mean, on one hand I can understand.... but on the other he sure comes off as a disingenuous narcissist.

I can understand it too. In fact, if it’s true, it makes him decidedly not a faggot. It takes a huge set of balls to run to an active shooter scene.

My problem with it is that he’s a liar, because he’s also alternatively said he was at the school when it happened and described having to hide in a classroom or whatever it was. They can’t both be true.

My bigger problem with him is the same as my problem with AOC - not respecting his place (both young people trying to take over politics like they’re some kind of boss and overstepping their bounds). Also they’re both anti-2A.

Yeah, I’m all about change because we need it in many areas, but that doesn’t mean we get to just disregard the rights and rules set forth in our constitution. That is also my biggest problem, not that they’re young with big ideas of potential change, but how they’re willing to go about making those changes... they want to force them on everyone simply because they like them.

I've seen this faggot on countless things, and never once was this mentioned. What the fuck.


He was on campus during the shooting, went home after and then came back at 6pm to shoot footage and talk to media

Such an obvious faggot

Less gay than Jim Norton

Your classmates are dead? Go.

Who’s the twink?

your dad

his slimy douchebaggery got him into Harvard

He was accepted into Harvard just so that some right leaning person on Twitter that called him a dummy could be "owned". Seriously, they let him in after some chick on Twitter said he was an idiot.

Laura Ingram I believe

rejected from ucla, late admission to harvard

must be nice 🤷🏼‍♂️

Same douchey face as Norton, too.

Lou Diamond Phillips? He was alright as Chavez in the Young Guns movies.

Mexican-Indian, you son of a bitch.

He looks more like Lou Diamond Philadelphia

It's too bad this faggot's spirit horse hasn't shown up yet.

Chinless loser

Nancy boy looks like Peter North's kid.

South Park mouth

Every time that face pops up on my screen I have the almost undeniable urge to punch my phone. How people resist caving his skull in when meeting him in real life is beyond me.

People were shot at my school. Step aside, political expert coming through. FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!


Harvard material.

He thinks he's fucking spiderman.

That picture of him raising his limp-wristed, faggoty fist like he's some bombastic civil rights leader just screams socially-engineered propaganda.

He look fake.

Face of a rapist

Nigga looks like a Archie comics character.