Patrick: For months now, this sub has been counting down the days until they can review carpet bomb STARSHIP REPO with more of the same fake ratings the second it’s released, hoping to tank sales. That’s not hyperbole, by the way. They literally have a countdown clock

24  2019-05-20 by Kim_Jong_Pun_



He's a gift.

His retardation is heaven sent.


“Don’t feed the trolls” people who have never been in the spotlight say, not realizing that trolls turn to stone in the presence of sunlight.

"I'm in the spotlight unlike you lowly common folk so dont you dare tell me not to repeatedly instigate trolls."

Pat is a self-proclaimed “Public Figure”

The only thing I've ever seen him do publicly is drink and defend pedophiles.

He's completely fucked up the analogy. "Trolls turn to stone in the presence of sunlight" is a vaguely liberal notion that if say you put Milo on a major platform, he'll talk hate speech and people will think he's a shit.

Patrick, you are the one who needs exposure to sunlight. People ask you viable questions, and you respond with "silence, child" or other variations. You deflect and call us Nazis. This is hiding in the proverbial shade, cowering under a dark veil of secrecy.

How about one question. How does a biological father get zero custody of his daughter? Not a single day per month. How does the great state of Wisconsin allow a travesty like that to happen?

How does a biological father get zero custody of his daughter?

well the obvious answer is that he's not the biological father

And was caught putting fleshlights in all of the stuffed animals people brought to the baby shower.

I saw that on reddit so I know it's true.

I think condemning anti-pedophile protesters as Nazis is also a part of the equation. Don't want people raising awareness of child-rape in the industries in which we want, do we u/patrickstomlinson ?

I have asked him direct and non hostile questions many times to prove that Nazis chanted "blood and soil" at him instead of anti-pedophilia protests chanted against... Pedophilia.

Once I found him in third party video of that protest, leaning on fences and smirking instead of battling Nazis, he blocked me.

It's not a good day to be a bad guy.

Do you have a link to that? For posterity, of course.

He's a self-professed violent, alcoholic, fantasist with severe autism. Actually I don't think he's admitted the last bit but we can all read between the lines.

My countdown clock got under his skin so fucking bad.

It warms the cockles of my cock.

Starship Repo for the Space Jews, huh? Cucking to future space kikes? (((OY VEYYYYYY)))