Checking his book reviews at 12:01AM tomorrow

104  2019-05-20 by SuperToes845


Looks more like him reading this place and annoying reddit admins by DMCA'ing or reporting every post in New whether it is about him or not.

Going to have to throw that pillow out.

Farts in it then savors the stoma all night long.

That's a lotta brats!

It’s just for insulation from the harsh Wisconsin winter.

I didn't know manatees migrated that far from the open ocean.

You know back in the 1700s the heterosexual sailors would try to fuck manatees?

Gay Crashers

This is too real

His filthy feet complete the aesthetic.

What, too real???

He'll look very rational and sane, frothing at the mouth to every 1 star review he gets within minutes of the book going on sane

Ok, I'm hard

He's lost weight.

Under 2 hours to go on the east coast, sweet summer child

Zuzu: "Teacher says: Everytime you post a fave Amazon review, an angel gets its wings."

George: "Atta boy, Fatrick!"

Where did you get my picture?

I mean: 3 more minutes...