Classic Joe Currie

41  2019-05-19 by tunisianknifer


it's a nursing home now.

The Calm Pond

At 3 am? Certainly not signing pearl jam with a pedophile and risking contracting HPV from touching anything

Pearl Jam? Ant must have extended his karaoke catalog up to the early 90s now.

Jeremy's Smooooookin


pooooooole todaayyyyyyyyy

Daaaaaaaaddyyy didn't get give affection.

Anthony signs that line with gusto.

Also 3 am in the morning? You redundant cunt

The economy with which he displays his idiocy is impressive.

It's 3 AM in the morning 3 hours past midnight and 9 hours til noon wazzzuuupppp

What is it in 24 hour clock time

It's so bizarre how much they do karaoke. That's like something you should do a couple times a year with friends you don't see everyday. These guys basically all live together and sing karaoke almost every night.

They're probably deathly afraid of going outside because one mean look and they're finished

Karaoke is for teenage girls and chinks.

If you can even half way sing, it'll get you laid. Girls are fucking retarded.

Karaoke is an aphrodisiac.

I was around a few pedophiles growing up, and I've met men as an adult who had pedophile rumors about them. Almost every man over 45 I've seen in pics at Anthony's house gives me those exact same vibes. It's a very specific energy.

How was it?

Does this guy dye his eyebrows?

I can’t wait until these Compound faggots start dying off

Hey it's Arcie Bunker crossed with another character from 60 years ago.

sleeping, like a normal person who isn't prowling for child sex

Pathetic... these old men with nothing and no one hanging out in a basement.

Nice photo composition, stupid. 90% is ceiling tile.

Rule of thirdcels btfo’d

Anthony's getting blown by Keith gotta keep it on the DL

I thought he was in some kind of hospital lobby until I saw Anthony's ghoulish face in the corner.

We rule. You stink.

Oh no, it's Uncle Joe! Don't tell him I'm here!

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Is this really how you want to spend your “retirement” years?

looks pretty gay

All of you there might have enough collective T to eqaul a single 30 year old man. It may as well be a waiting room for death.

Hey Joe, your missus looks like she smells like cuntrot.

Hey Joe, apart from all the anal rapes, what are your fondest memories of papa?

Hey Joe, ur a fag!!

How much cum is staining those walls? What a pack of queers you all are.

Alcoholic Imhotep.

I’m at home with my loving family, you ghoul.

What is it with Joes?

Ant is really whoopin it up and enjoying himself.

I've asked it before and I'll ask it again: WHO IN THE FUCK is JOE CURRIE?


I didn't listen to the show when it was on. Found it later on YT.

Who is this guy and what is his connection to the show?