This dunce thought Fatrick calling Christmas a retail-driven holiday and using Die Hard references in his book were great ideas

24  2019-05-19 by SuperToes845


Nice middle school book report

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Just the premise of a starship repo is hack as can be.

When I first read the first line of the synopsis of this, I thought the author had trouble coming up with a name, and then forgot to edit the synopsis and the publishers had missed it before adding it to NetGalley!


I need to give an honourable mention to a character that was only mentioned a few times. The owner of a casino, and a supposedly very rich man, Fonald Plump, who has branded everything with FLUMP and has an illegal AI of himself. I just had to mention this in my review. I laughed a hell of a lot when I read about him, and even shared it with a few friends and family, who all found it delightfully funny and asked what book I was reading.

Fonald Plump. One of the characters is named Fonald Plump.

So he managed to rip off the unoriginal Krassentards, too.

Very creative.

Only slightly more original then the characters name in the first draft Tonald Drump

It's gone :(

That was fast. Maybe 20 minutes before going dark? I wonder why?

Tropes, 30-year old pop culture references and bashing a president.

I guess Tor is the special needs ward of the publishing industry.

i can't fathom why you people want to harass someone for liking a book? like who the fuck cares and why do you need to go out of your way to be assholes about it?

Aww, you had to reanimate your dead account to make this comment, huh? Hexenlibrarian can only be an alt of the CUNT book reviewer, am I right? Someone who fancies the occult and books just like Shaye does? Oopsie doodles!

Like who the fuck cares about us being assholes and why do you need to go out of your way to be a fucking nosey cunt about it?