Wisconsinites with more creative talent than Patrick Tomlinson

50  2019-05-19 by Terahite


"Coven" has the kind of artistic soul that "Tranny Pedos in Space" or whatever it's called will never be able to match.

It's alright, it's okay there's something to live for. Jesus told me so!

Styxhexenhammer and Stephen Crowder's lead engineer/board op

I’m ashamed to admit I know who these people are.


It's because Pat uses drugs and alcohol. And if you use drugs and alcohol - especially drugs - you always lose?

"Kick fucking ass, I got a Mastercard!”

I wonder if these guys are still alive. That scene with the fat one screaming into the mic was amazing


I talked a bit with the producers of this movie and one of them brought up the fact that he was a vegan. I shat on him a bit for that expecting some laughs from the other guys but it totally bombed. No wonder they didn't hire me.

And i thought to myself goddamn im cleaning up other people's shit for a living!

Amazing movie. Everyone needs a friend as loyal as Mike Schank.