Patso's dedication page is even gayer than you'd think

149  2019-05-19 by stealthygeek


He's got your six, meanwhile several other men are giving his wife anything ranging from an 8 to 12.

What drives a man to such a low. How do you come to terms with your wife getting used like a shoe store sock.

He also got dudes at his six all day

He's got my six-year-old, and he's not giving her back til she's been violated

Oh Uncle Pat

Is that his condition or yours?

He is neither loved nor can he love anybody but himself.

Who could he dedicate this book too, especially when it likely features "transgender space crabs with strong opinions about intergalactic copyright" and comparable horseshit

His new book comes out on Tuesday. I can't wait to see those hilariously low sales. Will make Nana's book look like a best seller in comparison.

Nana probably sold in the 1000s if not more. No way does Fatprick break 100 copies.

Don't forget Bocchetti's masterful tomb of intellectual genius.

You should be in a tomb

Nah, just throw me in the trash.

His mother was a house.

Does anyone have the link to the free version of it? I read a few pages and there was no grammar whatsoever. It was amazing

A passage from his book that always stuck with me: "Because of my off-beat looks has caused people to believe I am stupid slow or retarded but I am the farthest thing from any of that."

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

38 in the General Pedophilia cateogry.

“The ship battle scene was interesting but the captains constant sexual innuendos to his girlfriend’s young daughter (from ‘her previous relationship with a captain from a bigger ship John’ who he keeps comparing himself too positively) and repeated references to ‘how quickly she’s growing up’ in every other chapter made me a bit uncomfortable. What’s the point of including that stuff in a space adventure story?”

More like Starshit Doodoo

gay crashers

He's the annoyingly unfunny lady at the office.

But with bigger tits.

she almost always has burger tits as well


"I've got your six. And I'm really fucking cranky." Ernest Hemingway just threw up, shit himself and shot himself for a second time in his grave. Who writes this terribly and thinks he has talent. Effin' tool.

Don't make me cranky, you wouldn't like me when I'm cranky.

That’s not even a bad 80s action movie line. Even they wouldn’t touch that.

That's my secret cap. I'm always cranky.

I hope Patrick ends up like Hemingway.

"I've got your six" what the fuck does that even mean? Is this some white-person-adopting-black-person-speak bullshit that I'm not aware of?

He is so much worse than Joe, it's unbelievable.

Military jargon. Watch your six is look out behind you.

The closest he's ever been to the military is blowing the guy who gave him a roman war helmet.

Sounds kinda gay.

Blowing the gentlemen who gave him Zulu spears.

It means "I've got your back". Picture an enemy at 3 o'clock. Well, if I'm behind you, I've got your 6 (o'clock).

It also means you don’t have an editor who cares about you enough to stop you from using the most worthless clichés. “I’ve got your six” is one of the specific examples used often when teaching what not to write. I can’t believe someone couldn’t talk him out of using that in the dedication, or didn’t even try, and that he would even use it in the first place. Before you even get to the first page the book is ruined when, even in the dedication, the author comes off as a cringey windbag. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s corny and embarrassing.

He's a caricature. He tries so hard to come off as an intellectual and cool guy but he is cringe personified. It's mind-boggling that he even exists.

It means he wants to fuck your ass.

I wish Pat would challenge one of us to fight him like Joe does. He is so delusional that I think he might actually agree to it. At least Joe knows deep down in his dimwitted cow mind that he has always been a major coward so he just ignores it when people accept his hollow challenges, but Pat Rotundlinson and his white saviour complex might actually encourage him to accept. I can only hope.

Pats the kinda guy who would challenge you to a fight, shoot you in the back once you kick his ass. Then claim it was self defense.

Get them, children. Leave no one standing.

In pats case you should omit the comma

I bet he envisions some 12 year old girl reading this, slyly grinning and then running outside to not only play basketball with the boys... but to BEAT the boys.

I hate you just for saying that... but that's undoubtedly true. YUCK

Are you using his banned Twitter name ironically?

Just before remembering that he’ll never have a daughter of his own to defy gender stereotypes followed by an abnormally large gulp of an overpriced IPA. Maybe a shot or two then hopefully a shotgun blast to the head.

He spends most of his free time envisioning 12 year old girls.

He and Joe are cut from the same cloth. It's embarrassing how clever they think they are.


He said a bad word haha

Glad he is marketing this stuff to kids

What a tool!

It reads like he rolled over in a drunken stupor and just started scribbling nonsense on a napkin or something. This isn't profound, it's the ramblings of an egotistical idiot.

Flaming globes of Zigmund?

When you realize that there would never be any way you could convince him that this was really cringy and embarrassing, you start to understand you're dealing with a man who has completely lost touch with reality.

Even if (perhaps especially if) you actually served in the military, “I’ve got your six” is embarrassing. Let me guess: at some point, one of the characters, while in an unfamiliar place, says “we’re not in Kansas anymore.” And then he had to tag it with the cranky thing. He’s one of those writers that’s so full of himself he always goes one or two lines too long and ruins whatever humor or charm he might stumble in to.

Shoulda made a left turn at Albuquerque, nigga.

Albuquerque isn’t up ahead, man. It’s already here.

The Transgender Galactic Captain turned and muttered "I'm too old for this shit".

After witnessing the foreign body burst through the chest of Strongfemale Lead, the curious elderly Qleefbrogian inquired to Diner Waitress #3556, "I'll have what she's having."

"I've got your six" wouldn't be nearly as cringey in the military as "I'm really fucking cranky." That baby talk is basically begging to get fragged.

I'm really fucking cranky. ... Cause of being on my period.

He writes at a fourth grade level

Kurt Vonnecunt.

Cunt VonneGut

Let's keep his beautiful wife out of this.

He’s not gonna dedicate it to the mother he hates, or the daughter he’s alienated from and banished from seeing

A cheesy self-centered megalomaniac writes a book..

We need to get this trending on cringe subs, 4chan cringe threads, etc.

/lit/ would enjoy this guy.

Patrick's a textbook case of something I don't even know the name for, but it's this quirky nerdy corny momma's boy emasculated reddit-punning manchild type of guy who basically never grew out of the "make mommy laugh by saying cutesy things" phase he was in when he was 6 or 7. The kind of guy who watched The Incredibles and when the mom's maternal instincts kick in because she sees her kids in danger and becomes a fierce kung-fu badass fighting machine and beats the bad guys, he yells "woooooo!" in the theater and claps above his head and looks around smiling at the other audience members. He's stuck in a state of perpetual boyhood. Every woman is his mommy who he must protect and please, and every man is either his daddy who he must respect and revere, or an evil bad man who wants to hurt mommy who he must fight. He looks at the world like it's a Pixar movie.

Succinctly put, soy boy.

An absolute faggot, more or less

thats the description of "A Diddlybooba"

I've got your six....holy FUCK are you a fat faggot.

ewwww this shit belongs on r/iamverybadass

I'm embarrassed just reading that.

Nice overuse of 'all', stupid.

the fucking faggit who hid behind others to yell at people protesting pedophilia has your sure thing tuff guy.

This book is dedicated to Holligan's
I've got six of your brats living inside me

Fucking yuck.

Before I clicked on this I thought how can a dedication be gay? You guys are exaggerating. No, that's pretty gay.

He’s managed to run the gamut from hallmark card, twee motivational horseshit to beaten to death, vietnam movie military cliches in one short dedication.

Nice schizophrenic tonal shift, stupid.

every nerd fag thinks they're tough, it's very baffling


Has he ever dedicated a book to his mother? I’m guessing not

This is the writing of an asswipe 8th grader. There's no way this is real. You're lying. If this is real, I'm going to dig a hole and shit in it.

Hey man next time you post this homosexual pornography at least mark it NSFW

Nice widows and orphans stupid

You know that thing in South Africa where people put a gasoline-soaked car tire around your neck and light it? I want to do that to this fucking clown

Takes a true self-absorbed retard to make his fucking book dedication about himself.

We should get an honorable mention. I mean, nobody would know who he was if it wasn't for us

Or basically: "Sentences. So many sentences. Here comes some sentences for you. And I'm ending it with a sentence. And another sentence."

Grandiose faggot.

This reads like a 17 year old's myspace page.