The many failures of Patrick S Tomlinson

22  2019-05-19 by SnakeBlizkin

Things in life Patrick S. Tomlinson has tried and failed miserably at: marriage, writing, stand up comedy, marathon running, fatherhood, political punditry, physical fitness, selling insurance, and cooking breakfast. Feel free to add to the list


Selling cars.

If you can’t sell cars and insurance, you’re pretty much a fuck up at life.

Accepting his mediocrity. You could have a good life, Pat. But you think you're better than you are, and your subconscious can't rest at night, knowing you're online making an ass out of yourself all day.

Having a Twitter account


He's sweaty and makes no interesting points. He said in the latest episode that since arms and legs don't matter in space that we should attach hands into our feet to have better tool-gripping capabilities.

What he's saying is just childish nonsense. He acts way too informed for a guy who just makes up bullshit. He must think because NASA is in the title it appears more legitimate? It's a show for people like Patrick, Amy Schumers husband, Bonnie's sister, etc.

Completing a college degree! To me, his lack of education is one of the most glaring faults of the ignorant and lazy u/patrickstomlinson

The fact that this fat asshole writes “science fiction” is astonishingly lacking in self-consciousness (just like most of Fatty’s life). As a man with a Masters in Engineering as well as a BS Chem, his amateurish, “child”like understanding of basic physics makes me stomach turn. It’s clear from reading any paragraph that he never studied science or astronomy with any depth.

I would write my own, better science fiction book- I imagine it would take three days start to finish. I don’t because nobody gives a shit about SciFi and I wouldn’t get out of bed for the pennies that Fatrick “earns” from his book scam.

Fuck you Patrick, you community college dropout hack.