At 8:24 was that Jims attempted at a joke or was he being serious?

3  2019-05-18 by mrwhite9292


It was his attempt at a joke which no one got so he barreled head on into a serious explanation to disguise his bomb.

Nice of Jay to drag Greg like they were friends or something

Mohr is a joke thieving fuck

He's also a faggot

What kind of week retard gets addicted to NyQuil, at least get something with codeine in it.

week retard


Ah shit, I meant he was a retard for a whole week, yeaaa, that's what I mean.

"You don't see what's not happening for a person, like, when you see the same person 10 years later in relatively the same place you're like, wow, they're still funny but why has there been no movement?" Jim Norton

So, some people's excuse is substance abuse, what the fuck is Jim's excuse?

Jim: "If I have to take something for pain I'll throw it away as soon as the pain stops. I don't trust myself."

Jim is straight up fucking retarded.