Hey Joe

21  2019-05-18 by RoliMosimann

You should repost what you did earlier, about wanting to fight people from the sub. Come on, u/DOXXER100, I took you off the automod queue, so let's here what you have to say (I already know two of the alts you're planning on using after the 2-day wait anyways, so there's no need to be coy). It's fun when you play "tough guy", so why don't you recap for those who didn't get to see.


You called me a faggot 77 times.

Yeah, it didn't format the way I wanted to, which kind of ruined it for me

You're a faggot ×77.

It lacks the visual impact, but the message gets through.

Which brings me back to the topic, 77-year-old faggots

Yeah. u/DOXXER100 Dance, monkey.

I like how he came immediately when summoned. He really is our pet donkey.

Lol. He just can't dumb down enough to reach us.

Wha happened?

Joe threatened to beat people up again


Sexual gratification. He needs to be humiliated in order to get off.

Where you going with that cock in your hand

I'm going to swallow spit,

You know, caught it in a tube, from a younger lad

Is he a mod here?