Where we at with the Alabama abortion ban thing?

1  2019-05-17 by TangerineReam


One of those things where you're initially sympathetic toward those negatively affected by it, but then you see those people freaking out about it like it's the end of the universe, so you lose all your sympathy and hope it gets worse for them.

that's how i feel. i actually oppose the ban but seeing all the pro-life shitposting is making me want to support it

This is basically why Hillary lost in one sentence

I think it’s fucking savage to be honest. I’m kinda middle of the road guy politically but lean left when it comes to abortions. But on the other hand i love seeing both sides lose their collective minds.

Were you rapidly blinking, saying “Ummmmmmm”, and flailing your arms about as you typed this?

I wish i had that talent

tl;dr - It’s a tough one, man...

Bret Weinstein said that most americans are pretty intermediate when it comes to abortion: They don't want people to be unable to have the procedure, but they don't want people going nuts with abortion. The radical sides of this argument have essentially shamed normal people into being "part of the problem", from various subjective perspectives.

I love abortions, but hate women and wish to govern their bodies.

I'm against all types of violence. Except the domestic kind.

I'm pro-life because I believe life begins at conception, and it's a slippery slope once you start trying to pinpoint when in the gestation period a fetus becomes a human being.

I don't express this publicly, though. People assume if you're pro life it's because you hate women and want to oppress them.

So why don’t you just not get any abortions then? Why do you think it’s the business of the state to get involved?

Also, why conception and not full fertilization (emplantation). If you want to be consistent, you should also be against the birth control pill.

Well, the state should be involved for the same reason the state outlaws murder. To protect human life.

Who says I'm not against the pill?

That’s fair. I guess if you really believe that life begins at conception, then it would be murder. But we live in a society where about 60% of people fundamentally disagree with you—that’s why this is an ongoing issue.

And if you’re against the pill, kudos for consistency, but practically speaking limiting birth control leads to more abortions, regardless of their legality.

I'm not arguing that it's practical.

Do you think public policy should have practical concerns?

Absolutely. But practicality shouldn't be the sole focus. If it is, you end up in one of those robotic dystopian worlds where human life isn't special.

I assume you got a dog in this fight?

Having an opinion about a topical news story in a thread that asked for opinions about that topical news story means I have a dog in the fight?

missed the mel reference

shill detected

you can fuck off now

Ah right, ya got me.

can you get me a discount?

also do you guys have those hole punch card things, buy 10 bortions get the next one free?

I offer a Netflix-style subscription plan at my back alley clinic. For the same monthly price as CP media, fetal removals on demand.

In my life, the Pro-Lifers that I've met have ALL been women.

Keep fucking with our guns, we'll keep fucking with you whores wanting to murder babies.

Who’s fucking with your guns? This paranoia about everyone coming to take your gay guns has been steady for years, but there are more guns, more readily available than ever. Relax.

shut up ya commie

Sorry. Going forward, I will repress my urge to make any comment that could disrupt your fragile echo chamber, faggot.

good boy

now send nudes fatso

Alright sugar tits

And they are coming for guns. They can't repeal the 2nd amendment, but they can essentially destroy it, PR wise.

And of course those mass shootings; some of those are pretty suspicious in how they even happened in the first place (not all though)...

There’s just so little evidence of this, though. Look at the numbers and how little significant gun control legislation has been passed in the wake of these shootings. If they’re false flags, as you’re suggesting, it’s a bad strategy.

I have no reason to ever go to Alabama so I don't give a fuck what they want to do.

Alabama is the Michigan of the South, though.

If people want to be retarded in their own state, by all means. Just don't fuck with mines.

Alabama going full Thot Patrol. I like it.

It's a triple edged sword. I like the idea of killing babies but I don't like the idea of giving women the chance to make decisions. I also don't like niggers and that's who mostly gets abortions.

Redditors are contradicting themselves. They're all for a woman's right to choose but adamantly anti anti-vax. Informed parental consent? That's taking it a little too far, we need the government to step in. Idiots.

I love how hard it triggered the left wing twitter hate mob.

It will get knocked down in the SCOTUS, the purpose of it is to troll Virginia and New York who have laws that are even more barbaric.

The only opinion I have is that abortion grosses me out, I don’t really give a care

I thought making it illegal to go out-of-state for an abortion was a little much.

Watch them start taxing the hell out of coat hangers.

Although I come across as a bit salty here, I follow the 'trad' lifestyle. For some background; I'm female, a devoted partner to a good man, and enjoy keeping the home and cooking for him. I abhor the degeneracy of society now.

I am against abortion except in the cases of rape and incest. I think Alabama's law is pushback against the leftists trying to destroy families. I don't agree with the law 100% but I get why it was passed.

The law may have been a set-up and made especially extreme in order to trigger lawsuits and force the Supreme Court rule on the abortion issue again. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

How do you think it'll go? Because this seems a bit set-up-y to me. Like Trump was put in the White House to troll the left in the first place....

I honestly have no clue! If Justice Ginsberg's still alive (not to sound conspiratorial but do we have proof of life?) then I think the majority of the court will rule states' rights. Then you'll see a wave of pro or anti-abortion laws going on the states' books.

I have no sense of how they would rule on a federal level if they do not determine it's a states' rights issue. That's what's so trippy about this.

I believe Trump won fair and square but in hilarious troll fashion.

A Alabama abortion is hitting a pregnant women with a banjo.