Can we make Joe cumia a mod if he has Carol's jizz analyzed by a lab to determine whether or not it's urine?

27  2019-05-17 by ants_ccw_permit

Should be simple enough. Just position a 55 gallon drum under her and ladle some out into a specimen jar.



No but let's tell him we will if he actually does it.

Only a 60 yr old man would try to brag by saying something like "she's a squirter"

At least we know he has one more thing in common with Anthony. Nana depends on "girls" who squirt for sustenance.

I’ve dated one girl that was a squirter, and it fucking sucked. Anyone who thinks it’s cool is either an idiot or hasn’t ever slept with one.

I like the guy who is asking for his DD214. Don't stop asking.

It'll look like talcum powder mixed with maga delusion

What would it take to get you to a comic book convention, in a red cap and ready to fight?

Can I suggest starting low but offer reasonably priced options. Like bringing the kids along with matching Vizio branded t-shirts.

Close, but not quite. It's a mix of urine and what her gynecologist calls "female smegma"

Let it spin in a centrifuge for a while, the result screen will flash "BOVINE"

Also, did you guys know that u/soggylefttesticle is in Jacksonville trying to see "what that mouf do" because he's so wacky?

O god

Ewww you fuckin obsessed faggot. You should kill yourself for being so pathetic.

Says the guy trying to have sex with a hairy-buttholed schizophrenic girl who has a tumor growing out of her stomach, who he met on a message board.

Can we please take this sub back to focusing mainly on the Cumias / Keith and those guys.

It is truly so entertaining