Unfunny, uncharismatic, HACK. Jesus Christ I can’t believe this guy used to be funny. This is painful to watch

3  2019-05-17 by maynardsabeast


Go on that channel and watch literally ANY of the other videos. The celebrities are charming and having fun and getting big laughs from the people watching and filming. Norton looks so uncomfortable (like a real civilian) and his answers are exactly what you would expect him to say cuz it’s the same shit he’s been saying since the year 2001. Also notice his video is 4 minutes long while most of the others go well over 7 minutes. They probably just saw how uncomfortable it was and wanted to make it stop. Jim’s career is truly finished

Does he make reference to paying for sexual intercourse with women of ill repute and dubious gender?

He’s not aging well

I now unrionically believe a conspiracy theory a black guy on you tube once laid out. Basically, for whatever reason, they kidnap or kill celebrities and replace them with an often skinnier false clone with all the "right" ideas and opinions. He had loads of interesting evidence, which personally I found interesting because it does suggest SOMETHING is happening.

Many of you on this reddit have caught on to Kevin Smiths forced face in every picture, coinciding with his drastic sudden weight loss. Now he says all the right things, and basically just exists to shill products.

The worm now has his face, too, and it began around about that time he posed "nude" on the front of that years annual "special".

It's like Bodysnatchers.

I will say there are a lot of fat celebs who suddenly lose a shocking amount of weight and instantly get promoted into the spotlight saying all the “correct” bullshit. I always just assumed they joined the Satanic cult that controls Hollywood and live only on the blood of young children now.

can we get a link to the Youtuber please