Showing a coworker O&A

53  2019-05-17 by UnemployedOpie

A few weeks before Nana was fired, I turned on the show in the work truck. I told my coworker that these guys were hilarious. Then the show proceeded to be dull to the point that it was unlistenable for the next hour. All I remember was that they had some former hockey player coming on. So my coworker says "Why would they have this guy on?" I mumbled that I didn't know, and turned it off. I realized at that point that I might possibly be a faggot.


Then what happened?

Then I sat on this hilarious anecdote for 5 years, waiting for the perfect moment to post it

It was definitely worth it bro.

Right, so then what happened?

Homosexual thoughts are only a sin if you act on them. Fight the urge as much as you can and apologize to the co-worker who you came onto, even if it is five years past. God sees.

I do like the idea that playing Opie and Anthony for someone could be considered an initiation of gay sex

It is. Why do you think we’re all here?

I made a friend somewhat of a fan. He fucking loved Nigga vs Nazi.

I played some bits to coworkers and they started avoiding me (more).

I swear the only time O&A are listenable were the years Patrice was alive and visited the show often.

Opies insecurities and neuroticism wasnt there as much, his cringeworthy "laid back cool guy" radio voice in 2013 ish.

Jimmy the worm was challenged on his stupid fucking ideas. Anthonys racism was counter balanced.

Patrice called Rich fake-liberal doucheyness decades ago saying Bonnie was gonna ruin him cause he doesnt have the spine to stand against her nor the intellect.

Patrice made everyone better. I actually enjoy listening to the O&A patrice episodes whilst just old O&A are legit dogshit.

It was best when Louis CK fell on the sword and gave Worm a job in LA. That left the third mic open for actually funny comics to come in.

It's what made SXM and FreeFM realise they should replace him.

No radio is consistently entertaining. Listening is like fishing.

Yeah some days I would tune out for a while. Most of the time the guests sucked. October was pretty much a month off since I found Jocktober boring. The absolute best was when Patrice or Otto came in, and anything to do with Ron and Fez.