Since r/Feminism didn't bite, he's trying r/AgainstHateSubs again.

50  2019-05-16 by RoliMosimann


Oh Joe. You really need a hobby. Maybe model ships? Or suicide?

He'd like an elderly Wile E Coyote without the creativity or brain.

And his brother buys him all the shit Acme products.


Dumbfuck is shadowbanned on the Feminism sub and doesn't realize it. Look at his most recent comment and then check the thread.


Gifted? Is that what they called you? In my day we called that retarded, you cumsock.

You'd know, wouldn't you, retard? Does Ant miss his friend and fellow pederast Jeffrey Hollander? you know, the registered sex offender who brought underage girls to the Compound pool parties?

Registered sex offender? As opposed to what, unregistered like Ant?


He hasn't gone on daytime court TV and proclaimed how he isn't a pedophile yet.

Until that, I will hold back from forming an opinion. You most definitely have something to hide

Where's you dd214, Faggot?

Fake Joe.

What do you remember about the old days between all that crack you did with your mom, you fucking nigger.

You don't even know what a shadowban is exactly, do you retard? The best part is that you will frantically google it now, read what it is but still won't get it because you are the dumbest boomer on Earth.

I thought you bragged about getting the sub shut down already, Joe. Dim-witted faggot. Jeffrey Hollander misses you and AntH.

Joe is like a mass shooter that goes on a rampage because the girl he likes rejected him.

“Hi, Joe Cumia here”

Mass shooter but only cause hes fat as shit

He tried it in the feminism sub again just a 15 minutes ago. There's a post about vasectomies, Joe commented:

I had the ol snip. It’s a nothing procedure. Slap on a bag of frozen peas for a day or so....recovered nicely. Since then it’s been, “Piece of ass with peace of mind” for me...Priceless!!

You couldn't write a character that delightfully idiotic.

Yet again, admitting he cheats on his girlfriend.

Good point. There's no way Carol is still fertile. Although it's also funny to imagine Joe getting a needless vasectomy because he doesn't know about menopause.

What do you need the snip snip for when your girlfriend queefs dust?

Everything for stupid boomers comes with a dumbfuck slogan

Joe, you should have put the same amount of effort into your weight loss regimen. Ya big fat pig.

Lol. We have no impact on him, yet he's running around like a complete faggot trying to report us instead of, oh I don't know, getting his daughter to school on time...

You know for a while I actually had a soft spot for Joe on account of him being a big dumb harmless oaf, but this kind of crosses a line. Trying to get us the attention of the worst bunch of snitches on reddit. And the psyop he tried to pull last night with his alt account. I think I now actually, truly hate him.

Joe Cumia is a massive faggot. Confirmed again.



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I can't keep track of his 78 accounts and the LilFagYo or whatever one was deleted. Can someone PM me so I'm in on the bit.

Is there an r/AgainstHateTributeBands we can report and give his information to?

I honestly hope Joe Cumia dies in a horrific and tragic way. This is me speaking from my heart. Please die you fucking nigger.