Nice allies, stupid

5  2019-05-16 by Phkna1


Germany not being cool with America?

How could we have seen this coming a third time?

Nice Marshall Plan, stupid.

Wait until they’re asking us for help after a few generations of Antwan Kumiyas start running the joint.

I think they’ve proven capable of handling that type of situation.

Who cares what this childless goblin thinks? Fuck Germany

everyone should take 5 minutes out of their day to snail mail her a swastika

Ive been preaching Germany will once again be the cause of another world warm but hey.... Im a straight white male and apparently a Nazi for some reason or another.

Then you'll be fine when the krauts get here

The EU is literally an unelected technocratic corporatist dictatorship with a ceremonious parliament. Some call it the 4th Reich.

You make it sound much cooler than it is.

The Islamic Republic of Germanistan will rise again

Germans grew fat and complacent under NATO stewardship. Mutti is teaching them to hate again. It’s not her intention, but it’s too late to stop the process.

(((United States)))

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel lumped in the United States with Europe's other global adversaries on Wednesday, arguing that the countries on the continent need to band together against the challenges posed by Russia, China and the U.S. "There is no doubt that Europe needs to reposition itself in a changed world. The old certainties of the postwar order no longer apply," Merkel told the German media on Wednesday.

Merkel argued that the countries on the continent need to band together against the challenges posed by Russia, China and the U.S. Adam Berry/Getty Images.

The U.S. relationship with Europe has become increasingly uncertain under President Donald Trump, who has criticized both the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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