How Patrick Tomlinson sees himself...

36  2019-05-16 by SibHashian13


blowing that guy out of image I presume?

A Mexican felon?

You never heard him tell the story of how he disarmed a knife wielding attacker (probably a trump supporter) and still has the knife to this day?

Was this before or after he singlehandedly beat up an entire chapter of that racist biker gang invading Hooligans?


Not only does he still have it, he still carries it to this day, child.

He's carrying it up his ass to remind himself not to go all out again

Up the ass is a real man's concealed carry, child.

Yeah, but I chalked that up to complete fiction. Like Joe not being a mooch. Or Jim being straight and not creepy.

Patrick doesn’t seem like someone that would lie or embellish their toughness

That's the only good fiction story he ever created.