These things think they're white men.

74  2019-05-16 by Jim-sucks-shit


Allahu-Odin, my fellow whites

Sicilians... why do you think mainland Italy left them for the Moors.

Great facial hair though.

Like Freddy Mercury.

Some of you morons took this as a serious comment? Oh boy.

1994 co-winners of Tunisia's Got Talent

was this at the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

Joe has the facial hair of someone who sucks dicks through gloryholes


Sorry, Joe, your submission has been automatically removed because you said you were leaving again, and yet here you are. The sub really is going to need to hear an apology before we let you post again.

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Joe's comment was just confirming the glory hole.

I didn't see it before it was deleted. What'd he say?

He spoke of sweat glimmering off a penis shaft.

Ant almost looks like he could be Joe's dad.

I look Whiter than them: I have straight brown hair, a smaller nose, and much lighter skin.

The thing is, my father is Salvadorian (my mother is White). So what does that allow you to infer about the Cumia bloodline?

My (serious) hypothesis is, when two Sicilians get together and have a child, it's no different than when two mulattoes do so. Do you expect what that union produces to be anything remotely resembling a Western European?

Salvadoran machete niggers are still whiter than the Cumias ancestors?

On that Spring day in 1994, Tunisian brothers Antwan and Joe Cumia made a blood pact.

The one who achieves greater success in life would be obliged to support the other party until the end of his life.

Joe was particular cheerful.

imagine what ant's mop smells like

At the Klan meeting....

-You two stand over there on the plastic.

-Plastic? Why?

-Yeah, why, stupid?

They look like roles Raul Julia turned down.

If these two were in the evolution of man pic they'd be in just after the knuckles left the ground.


Mullholland Drive diner scene looking ass.