Why the Cumias are LOLCows: An explanation even Slow Joe can understand

28  2019-05-16 by CarolMaxheinie


It’s clear through his close friendship with convicted child rapist Jeffrey Hollander, as well as the well-documented ‘SelfCuttingGirl’ example, that your little brother has been involved in illegal and immoral underage sexual activity. This, plus his insistence on being an uninformed pundit, is why Anthony Cumia is a failure in his career and in life.

Most of his former fan base now realizes what a truly sick and toxic person Anthony is. They genuinely root for him to die because they know he needs to be removed from society, as do all dangerous pederasts and child groomers. You’re the only one defending his chasing of little girls.

He certainly hasn’t provided likability, warmth or comedy to his target demographic in many years, negating his only plus attribute - being funny. Now he’s just an old raging hack with shitty hair and a permanent yellow glow. It’s gross and off putting. If he wasn’t a pedophile I would be embarrassed for him given that he’s almost 60 in front of that green screen yelling to nobody.

The only thing more embarrassing than being Nana would be refusing to work and leeching off of this monumental hack. You’d have to be a total loser to rely on this old pedo’s dwindling cash for an allowance, Joseph. You have zero self-respect and get zero respect from other men. That must suck deep down, even for a low-awareness bovine such as you.

You might say Anthony deserves to be “Permanently Suspended” from Earth, never to...rise again. Or whatever his failed “book” cover said.

Tl;dr: Anthony destroyed a good career chasing pigtails and black crime stats and Joe is an unrespectable leech who profits from the past acts of a ghoul, and both ‘men’ are very, very dumb. I have the receipts.


Plus they're stupid and gay.

Pedophiles need to have their brains yanked out of their heads and stomped on.

That's why Anthony had the guns. He was afraid of people finding out the truth and executing him in the street

Stomped on? I think we all know a good guy to call for stomping on things.

So so so so so so so you're saying that just because thousands of people laugh at me that makes me a lolcow?

That's your opinion, and your opinion only! I have an opinion! I'm NOT a lolcow! How's that?!

Moo, moo, moo, moo, mo moooo moooooo moooooooooooooooo!?

sounds like war hero joes living rent-free in your head, pal

nice try wit da hate tho

The term "lolcow" is very gay imo, and not in the good way.

Sounds like something a fat smarmy faggot would say.

I’m not Joe or Patrick, and resent the implication that I fail to provide for my family.

It's the normalization of the term i have a problem with, not the individuals using it.

Fair point and I respect it.

illegal and immoral underage sexual activity.

Hey man that’s subjective.

Subjective for Italians and Muslims I suppose.