You should read the irrational atheist if you want the real take down of Sam. The guy was a 40 year old pill popping undergraduate when he was making all these grandiose statements.
Sam Harris' determination to prove his own gay brand of eastern mysticism with secular ethics superior to religion by trying to convince us all religion is evil is one of the dumbest academic cons ever.
It's an absolutely stupid thought experiment. It's supposed to be some sort of Sophie's choice and it reeks of something some dipshit freshman philosophy major thought of- And then smiled to himself because "take that conservitards!"
Still baffled as to why they think this is some kind of epic gotcha. So if someone believes that life begins at conception. They're still going to want to save the kid because the attachment to the embryos is more abstract than the visceral thought of an actual 5 year old dying in a fire.
He is smarter than everyone, and by being a little manlet, his body is hyper efficient and he runs circles around everyone.
He's wrong, but there's no way you can debate him about it. It's like fighting Jon Jones, but Jones is only allowed to use Shaolin Kung Fu. Doesn't matter that you have a superior skillset and training, he'll just always be better than you.
The dirtbag Cumia brothers would break in, abduct the 5 year old to fuck later, then steal the embryos, drink half and then use the other half to rub all over each other's body.
Fucking douche chills everywhere. This is some stuff from his wiki
Leaving Stanford in his second year, a quarter after his psychedelic experience, he went to India and Nepal, where he studied meditation with teachers of Buddhist and Hindu religions.
Harris is a martial arts student and practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu
He was at one point a vegetarian, but gave it up after six years, citing health concerns.[85] In 2015, he returned to vegetarianism for ethical reasons, with the intention of eventually going vegan,[86] and supported the idea of cultured meat.[87] In early 2018, he stopped being a vegetarian once again.[88]
He states that the key aim of meditation is to enable its practitioners to see that the feeling of self is an illusion.
His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish
"Leaving Stanford in his second year, a quarter after his psychedelic experience, he went to India and Nepal, where he studied meditation with teachers of Buddhist and Hindu religions."
You have to give him credit for being original. Oof.
Ali Rizvi is one of the biggest faggots on Twitter. Thinks he's the next Christopher Hitchens because he wrote a book about how he converted to Atheism from Islam, but really he's just another liberal progressive hack. He probably came in his pants when he saw Sam Harris retweeted him. I'm really not surprised he's a PST fanboy as he's every bit as hateable.
God damn it I know for a fact fat Pat hack douche fuck face Tomlinson ripped this off from somewhere. I just can't remember where I heard it. If I gave more of a shit I would dig deeper. I think it might have been an atheist podcast I listened to when I was in my edgy anti religion phase as a teen.
I really hope that people reconsider their position after seeing they're in agreement with people like Norton, Patso, beta male faggots like Wil Wheaton and Andy Richter, every unstable screeching feminist and cat lady, etc.
"I a gun to your head hypothetical scenario that I constructed with only two black and white options, you picked option 1, meaning that you believe that everyone in option 2 should be condemned to death and has no value."
1 FlatlipsTLumpyson 2019-05-16
Patrick should follow him on Twitter.
1 kennethfresno3 2019-05-16
Great scenario, totally changed my mind that killing babies is ok.
1 spams_seed 2019-05-16
Sam Harris retweeted that drivel?
1 lawyerherelistenup 2019-05-16
That's what made me sick.
1 HooligansPatron 2019-05-16
Sam is a self-absorbed faux intellectual neurotard obsessed with whatever drivel pours from his jewey face.
1 jordanetics 2019-05-16
You should read the irrational atheist if you want the real take down of Sam. The guy was a 40 year old pill popping undergraduate when he was making all these grandiose statements.
1 MalcolmX_InTheMiddle 2019-05-16
I bet he was the guy who stopped the class to debate and asked a ton of questions at the end of class.
1 deep_legal_shit 2019-05-16
vox day over here
1 TriangleDimes 2019-05-16
I still refuse to not think Vox Day is gay as hell.
1 deep_legal_shit 2019-05-16
i dong disagree
1 knitro 2019-05-16
well he is one of those people.
1 Invunche 2019-05-16
Sam is friends with Rizvi.
1 TriangleDimes 2019-05-16
Sam Harris' determination to prove his own gay brand of eastern mysticism with secular ethics superior to religion by trying to convince us all religion is evil is one of the dumbest academic cons ever.
1 call_me_winston 2019-05-16
id save 1000 embryos over 1000 adult twitter users thats for sure
1 G4YN1GG3R 2019-05-16
They would just grow up to be those twitter users
1 Flesh-And-Bone 2019-05-16
depends on the race of the child tbh
1 Amish_Supremacist 2019-05-16
wow really makes you think....about how fucking stupid that false equivalence was
1 LarryKleist711 2019-05-16
It's an absolutely stupid thought experiment. It's supposed to be some sort of Sophie's choice and it reeks of something some dipshit freshman philosophy major thought of- And then smiled to himself because "take that conservitards!"
1 OkaySeriouslyBro 2019-05-16
Can nobody on twitter make Ali A. Rizvi aware of the allegations?
1 stealthygeek 2019-05-16
Think of all the new followers Pat will get out of this!
1 StentFeznor 2019-05-16
Is the child white?
1 yevyoyevyo 2019-05-16
Also, what race are the embryos? These are the questions we need answered
1 MalcolmX_InTheMiddle 2019-05-16
If you can afford to store embryos, I know what they're not...
1 GraveJ 2019-05-16
The child is Qadan Kuhn, holding a Vizio sound bar.
1 D0WhatN0w 2019-05-16
Neither I let them all burn as was gods plan sweet summer child.
1 literalotherkin 2019-05-16
Still baffled as to why they think this is some kind of epic gotcha. So if someone believes that life begins at conception. They're still going to want to save the kid because the attachment to the embryos is more abstract than the visceral thought of an actual 5 year old dying in a fire.
So? What does that prove?
1 lawyerherelistenup 2019-05-16
Shapiro ran this in circles with minimal effort
1 SoulBrothaManNumber2 2019-05-16
No but you see he's a dirty jew who only sounds smart to uneducated morons
My fuerher's apprentice told me so
1 rahtin 2019-05-16
He is smarter than everyone, and by being a little manlet, his body is hyper efficient and he runs circles around everyone.
He's wrong, but there's no way you can debate him about it. It's like fighting Jon Jones, but Jones is only allowed to use Shaolin Kung Fu. Doesn't matter that you have a superior skillset and training, he'll just always be better than you.
1 MrsTomlinsonsBull 2019-05-16
Careful, that's how the jew magic works. They reel you in with reasonable opinions then before you know it your eating fish with a cut penis.
1 Taureg01 2019-05-16
Yea but hes a nerd
1 knitro 2019-05-16
It’s also a poor comparison to abortion - it’s not save a life v save a life, it’s save a life v kill.
1 karmacompanion 2019-05-16
Someone is trying to flush 1000 embryos down the toilet. Do you stop them? GOTCHA
1 Icon_Crash 2019-05-16
1 TriangleDimes 2019-05-16
"Theres a 10 year old kid in one corner and a 4 year old kid in the other, which do you save Conservitards?"
wow what an epic thought experiment
1 stealthygeek 2019-05-16
I automatically read that as "5-year-old, child."
1 SamGPHX 2019-05-16
“An asshole in hand is worth 1,000 in the jar.”
1 marioncruise 2019-05-16
Overpopulation is a huge problem, I'd let the thing burn.
1 rahtin 2019-05-16
Poor population distribution is the problem. We need more cities spread out further.
1 knitro 2019-05-16
(Credit to some fat faggot who's permanently banned from twitter)
1 rahtin 2019-05-16
Permanently suspended*
1 TheMaestro2 2019-05-16
but why is the 5 year old in a fertility clinic??
1 lawyerherelistenup 2019-05-16
Obviously still in a test tube which further complicates the analysis.
1 punishedcheetoman 2019-05-16
There to get hormone therapy with her Dads
1 unwashedfezballs 2019-05-16
"I save the nigger cum stored in my cheeks" -Patrick S. Tomlinson
1 SpeckofCoppah 2019-05-16
Which ones ?
1 raider_one 2019-05-16
Fuck, so deep
1 YangtzeRiverChina 2019-05-16
Sam Harris lost a lot of respect. Fuckin dumbass
1 Icon_Crash 2019-05-16
I'm confused why he had respect in the first place.
1 ElFaporino 2019-05-16
yea, some sand nigger i've never heard of sure is reputable
1 GinFoss 2019-05-16
He was talking about Sam Harris, who retweeted it
1 ElFaporino 2019-05-16
Patrick though up this situation when he was imagining fucking that child, and then throwing them back into the fire
1 InnocentChrisKuhn 2019-05-16
He thinks you can throw foeti in a container and they aren't deceasad after a short time. Stupid Satan worshippers!
1 ThatNiggaDre 2019-05-16
People who disagree with me: Please choose between these 2 ridiculous strawman choices carefully crafted to make you admit you're wrong either way.
1 4stepsbackward 2019-05-16
The dirtbag Cumia brothers would break in, abduct the 5 year old to fuck later, then steal the embryos, drink half and then use the other half to rub all over each other's body.
1 revt1 2019-05-16
Harris can associate with some real tards.
Imagine thinking that the decision to save a life(Pats scenario) and the decision to end it(abortion). Is remotely comparable.
1 CoreyFeldog 2019-05-16
Fucking douche chills everywhere. This is some stuff from his wiki
Leaving Stanford in his second year, a quarter after his psychedelic experience, he went to India and Nepal, where he studied meditation with teachers of Buddhist and Hindu religions.
Harris is a martial arts student and practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu
He was at one point a vegetarian, but gave it up after six years, citing health concerns.[85] In 2015, he returned to vegetarianism for ethical reasons, with the intention of eventually going vegan,[86] and supported the idea of cultured meat.[87] In early 2018, he stopped being a vegetarian once again.[88]
He states that the key aim of meditation is to enable its practitioners to see that the feeling of self is an illusion.
His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish
1 LarryKleist711 2019-05-16
"Leaving Stanford in his second year, a quarter after his psychedelic experience, he went to India and Nepal, where he studied meditation with teachers of Buddhist and Hindu religions."
You have to give him credit for being original. Oof.
1 pashow84 2019-05-16
Ali Rizvi is one of the biggest faggots on Twitter. Thinks he's the next Christopher Hitchens because he wrote a book about how he converted to Atheism from Islam, but really he's just another liberal progressive hack. He probably came in his pants when he saw Sam Harris retweeted him. I'm really not surprised he's a PST fanboy as he's every bit as hateable.
1 GinFoss 2019-05-16
God damn it I know for a fact fat Pat hack douche fuck face Tomlinson ripped this off from somewhere. I just can't remember where I heard it. If I gave more of a shit I would dig deeper. I think it might have been an atheist podcast I listened to when I was in my edgy anti religion phase as a teen.
1 wbgreen 2019-05-16
He ripped off the Trolley Problem.
1 deep_legal_shit 2019-05-16
Sam Harris is a Jew
1 throwawizzlemahnizzl 2019-05-16
I would wonder what kind of sick 5 year old is doing hanging out in a fertility clinic with a container full of embryos. Let the little bastard burn.
1 detroitjerkoff 2019-05-16
Are they gay fetuses?
1 djblaze666 2019-05-16
You throw Sam, Ali & the fat gay into the fire.
1 oooBeta_Libraeooo 2019-05-16
Anthony will try and fuck the embryos and the five year old.
1 Guatzelot 2019-05-16
How is Fatrick reacting to this?
1 RoadSodaz4Lyfe 2019-05-16
I really hope that people reconsider their position after seeing they're in agreement with people like Norton, Patso, beta male faggots like Wil Wheaton and Andy Richter, every unstable screeching feminist and cat lady, etc.
1 DickSlit 2019-05-16
What race are the children?
1 ReasonableSafe 2019-05-16
"I a gun to your head hypothetical scenario that I constructed with only two black and white options, you picked option 1, meaning that you believe that everyone in option 2 should be condemned to death and has no value."
1 NPC01994853 2019-05-16
The actual comparison: you have a 5 year old in one corner and a pregnant woman in the other.
1 UnfunnyFaggott 2019-05-16
This such a stupid reframing of the trolly problem and Sam Harris should know better.
1 Drunk_Toddler 2019-05-16
Not that it matters at all but what's the race of the 5 year old?