Oh these? They were already here.

113  2019-05-15 by gregoryjingles




Yucks. I was gonna have chicken for me lunch.


It's gonna be awhile before I eat anything from Satriale's..

are those bodies real? from the balkans?

Probably cartel

What's the backstory of this dismemberment room? it doesn't look recent, and from the clothing i am guessing either Balkans/Crimea?

That looks like the signature of one of the Cartels to me. The room/flooring has that look common in poor areas of the South West or in Mexico.

They most likely cut both arms off alive, then the beheading.

who is it they do it to? is it rival gang members or just some poor fucker they kidnapped off the street? I hope it's the former but suspect it's the latter.

Rivals, snitches, entire families of. They use it to intimidate anyone who would even consider crossing them.

It’s Big A’s dungeon at the Compound.

You’ll have to ask Patton. I’m sorry, I’m committing to the bit.

Patton is fucking melting down over Alabama

Maybe if he melts long enough he will have the frame of a human being.

We'll miss him. Since he comes here so often... We don't need ya Ratatouille

Jesus Christ I almost lost my lunch looking at this. Patton is hideous

They all had very bad emotional issues which led to their extreme drug addiction. Its was sad to find that they had all overdosed and dismembered themselves. I loved them all.

It was just an accidental overdose, see. I swears I'm telling da truth.