Fat Pat Tomlinson once defended his obesity in this or the old sub. Who can remember? But he quite literally said he isn't fat. He just has excess weight due to drinking beer and eating bratwurst excessively. A good look into the mindset of this "author."

49  2019-05-15 by Jim-sucks-shit


He's retreated so far into his fantasy world he's doesn't know what's real anymore.

His entire presence is one gigantic creative writing prompt.

I'm only fat because I consume much more calories than I burn off. Check mate, child.

He's a liar and a fool.

I love how he's like, "well Wisconsin is cold, so I only appear fatter than I actually am because of bratwurst and beer"

...Germans live in worse conditions and they eat the same stuff, you tub of lard.

That's something that bothered me as well, he made it sound like Milwaukee was located somewhere in the Arctic circle. So I looked up its climate and it's no different from pretty much all temperate areas of Eurasia, from Britain to Korea. Most people here are thin as a rail despiting eating calorie-dense foods and drinking excessively, so the shittiness of a Mid-Western diet isn't an excuse for the fat man either.

We stopped eating brats and drinking beer when Sharia law kicked in. Conditions are great now, inshallah.

I'm in shape. Round is a shape, child.

"If I look fat, it's just water weight, child" in a lisping feminine sing-song voice.

He's fat even for Milwaukee. Especially for a man in his 30s it's usually the older generations carrying the big weight now.

If I had to guess, too much attention from Big Momma. Or not enough?

This fag is making me hate bratwurst.

I remember. I was the one that provoked him to say that. I said he still has baby fat on his face and its disgusting 😆