A few days ago fat pat Tomlinson came posting here as he tends to do in a drunken stupor while sitting at hooligans. He of course shamelessly deleted his comments when he sobered up but they're still easily seen. He referred to his current wife as the "better one".

73  2019-05-15 by Jim-sucks-shit

His former wife is an attractive blonde. She mad a grievous mistake marrying fatso patso. But she took herself and her daughter out of the picture. She married an actual man with a monster hog and a real motorcycle. Fat Pat's current wife is a homely brunette with yellow teeth. She's ok with being married to a failed sci-fi author/failed comic/ failed insurance salesman/ alleged kid toucher. She's definitely not the "better" one.


Never forget when she messaged back someone from here on Facebook and said she hasn’t ‘dealt with him in over 8 years,’ thus meaning he hasn’t seen his kid.

He's a very sick person.

This is truly sickening. My parents got divorced when I was young (my fault, but I own up to it) and my dad hung out with me every chance he got.

Patrick's one of them deadbeat dads.

I think he's one of those dads you don't want around the kid no mater how much he wants to be.

....oh because he rapes?

Among other things.

He would rather spend more time drinking by him self at that bar, or building shitty space ship models then spend time with his kid. Allegedly

Dude I'm not even ashamed. Shit didn't work out with my ex and I. But we have a daughter that I see every week. 3 to 4 days a week. Fat Pat should be fucking ashamed of himself for never seeing his kid.

3-4 days a week!? You got lucky, or maybe your ex isn't a total bitch. My dad fought the courts out-of-pocket and spent over 30k in 1990s money so he could see me every Sat and Sun as opposed to every Sat and Sun every fortnight.

But you're totally right: not seeing your kid at all? I'm guessing he's a pedo.

Nah she's just a decent person. She didn't even take me for any money. We just signed some papers and split up what we had. I know I got lucky.

I'm glad it worked out that way.

Yeah she's a cool chick. I've had some terrible exes so I know what could have happened if I knocked up some of the others.

Yeah she sounds great and you sound like a retard for fucking it up

How do you forgive your mother for pulling that move when you were a kid?

No, my mother is cool as shit. I bet 95% of the time the mom is not actually the problem, it's the cunt, bitch, gold-digging whores who get into their ears. In my case, it was my grandmother (my dad's mother-in-law) who made everything worse and I hope she dies painfully because she legitimately squandered thousands of dollars with her interference and emotional blackmail.

And this old piece of shit still looks at me dead in the eyes and says 'I love you' as I think of $100,000+ of my family's money she flushed down the toilet.


I can get what you're saying. My mom is one of the coolest women I've ever known. But my grandma is a psycho cunt. And I hate that fucking reddit expects you to mindlessly respect your grandma. They're not all great. Mine fucking sucked.

Your penis? She doesn't seem that bad.

If only.


Take him with you when you go steal discount electronics. It's for the sub


After the stories I've heard I'm not surprised she's keeping him away from her daughter. This Patrick guy is a really sick man

I hope whoever got through to her on Facebook was kind enough to let her know many of us find her extremely fuckable.

I believe she said that she hasn't "associated with him" in 8 years. Only pointing this out because it sounds that much more condescending. As if being connected to him in any way skeeves her out still.

Honestly I feel bad for her. People make mistakes. Fatrick is a big one but she had the good sense to leave. For a real man too.

He didn't delete his posts, little one. The moderators in the scifi sub - his people, you would think - did that as he only defended himself. Big difference, child.

It's hilarious. His last post got deleted but none of our responses did. Including someone just saying, "you're gay."

alleged kid toucher

Fatrick said, "there are no pedophilia rumors." There is no "alleged," he admitted to all the horrific shit he did to those poor children. :_(

Truly a sick, deranged person.

Don't forget his second wife is a raging alcoholic too. 99% of the pictures taken of her are with a drink. Can't say I blame her.

I'm kind of on the fence about best wife.

I think she should come on here and defend herself.

She lacks the bravery required in females who post here.

Sams seed would NOT like that bitch. She never does.

It's a common trait of the average negress to express envy toward her genetic and cultural superiors.

Not all of us have committed to the Patrick bit. Can we get some pics for comparison? I remember that one dumpy girl by his model starship cruiser but would like a side-by-side.

His current wife is an autistic WGTOW with a male roommate to keep the house while she works 60+ hour weeks. Having nothing close to a genuine friend, she occasionally goes out and gets drunk with him. There's no suggestion they're married outside of that he calls her his wife and she has on one occasion, as I recall, called him husband. Seems that on her part, it's more playful than anything.


What's the website that allows you to look at deleted Reddit posts? I was trying to use it the other day and i completely forgot

It’s hilarious watching him try to argue with someone from this sub. How does he not see the ridiculousness of two people going back and forth calling each other “child,” and thus how stupid he looks constantly ending his sentences with it?

I've said it before, I'll say it again. That man has a cock like an Arizona Iced Tea can and he plows Patrick's ex with it nightly.

Let’s cut to the chase. I don’t know his situation. Maybe he even lied about having a kid. But if you haven’t seen your children you: A) don’t want to B) can’t or C) cannot prove you are the biological father. I know drug addicts, drunks and guys with records who can see their kids. What have you done if you are not allowed to see your kids? Even if the mother moves 2000 miles away, I know fathers who followed along just to see their kids. Only a sociopath wouldn’t do everything in their power to see their children. You know, unless you are not allowed because you’ve done something unspeakable or they are someone else’s kids because your wife took another man’s semen.

2000 miles is 3218.69 km

Shut up, you limey faggot bot.

Bad bot, stupid