Patrick finally blocked me

27  2019-05-15 by PatIsAFatHack

I never even got to say good bye


Time to get a new account and say Hello

Great minds

When his book comes out im gonna buy it. Im going to post a picture here with a turd on top of the cover

Im gonna need you to create another account and DM it to him because i dont have a twitter. Can you promise that for me?

Can you promise that for me?

I dont like looking at other dude’s shit. it makes me feel like a dirty jap

also dont buy his shit, it supports tor which enables pedos

i considered buying his book for bit, you still paid him to take a shit on his book which would be an insult to most humans but patrick would think it the highest praise and proof he triggered those trolls

using your own shit to make a point is what prisoners and monkeys do

if you buy his book, get people on the street to read it and roast it. find a homeless guy to point out how boring it is

You're the Elon Musk of trolling Pat.

Im the pat of trolling pat

but thanks

This is way too many words.

Just wait until hes handing them out free at comic cons.

I'm considering writing a few honest reviews on here if I can find it and slog my way through it. I hate the thought of giving him even a few cents but he's likely too obscure (a fucking nobody) for anyone to even pirate an epub of his "work."

Don't buy that shit. Not even for a bit. Keep him dreaming of then failing to make six figures.

I definitely plan on buying Starship Repo that day, all four books in the series by the talented and prolific Will Tate.

Ah, good man!

Well you'll always have this Patrick Tomlinson fan subreddit.

when god closes a door, he really does open a window

Like that window he opened in Erick Clapton's penthouse.

He also opened the front window of the car to let Quota Kuhn soar through

That was the maid. I think she was sick of the little shit.

I'm camping out right now for his book.

Heard it's a Border's exclusive.

It’s a Hooligans exclusive.

Not true, he also gave them out for free at one of his pedophile gatherings, I mean, conventions.

On what? He has less platforms than Alex Jones.

Alex jones is a nigger

Have you met Patrock's flunky "Billy Bad-ass" who has said all trolls have to leave Patrick alone by sundown or else....something to that effect.


you want a cookie, fat body?

im not fat child

I put several all you can eat buffets out of business because winter is cold, child.