Patrick S. Tomlinson

10  2019-05-15 by rdoran93

Patrick S. Tomlinson!


Don't come at him with a knife. He'll just leave with the knife. And you'll just leave. In pieces.

"If you come at me like a bitch, don't be surprised if I mount you." Patrick S. Tomlinson

He's something of a strongman. A real brawny strapping type.

Whenever u/patrickstomlinson comes up, I have a question I've been asking for ten years now of the 'WorldCon' crowd. In ten years, no one has EVER answered it honestly

It’s a simple scenario with two outcomes. No one ever wants to pick one, because the correct answer destroys their argument. And their IS a correct answer, which is why the pro ‘Pedophile apologist crowd’ hates the question.

So I accuse Patrick of being a pedo apologist.

Show me all your messages between you and anyone associated with world con, and anyone youve ever talked to in general

ive looked up your reddit history and you use the world child more than any other word

if you dont fully comply you are acting like a guilty man

Why wont he just comply? Because it would prove me right and expose him for being a scum bag who wants to protect pedophiles

S. Patrick Tomlinson

Patrick S. Tomlinson had sex with Patrick S. Tomlin's son.

Will Tate
