RIP Tim Conway. One of my favorite O&A interviews ever.

9  2019-05-15 by 3sharpies2many


We go deeep with the Tim Conway. To start, obviously, it faaawkin' sucks whenever you lose anybody. But let alone somebody that gave ya sooo much faawkin good radio. I fawkin, Ant, am I lying? Remember back in the days when we would, and I swear to you this is the gods honest troof, I swear to you, okay? Believe me, we used to... and I really mean this, we used to talk on the fawkin' phone for hours, just howling with The Tim Conway. We go fawkin deep, this shit goes fawkin' deep. Okay? sniff

He stopped doing our show after Dorf, even though we blew the guy up by letting him be funny on our show for free. He just listened to some bad people, man.... Fawwwk.

Jim: I heard he had a nice piece.

Norton says he couldn't get tickets to see Conway's show in Vegas cause it was soldout and Conway says he could see Norton's show anytime, fucking savage! He really put a beating on Jimmy.

RIP Jim WayCon. One of my blurging A&O mertleview feathers.

What's a Tim Conway?

Oh, about 120 lbs.